Are you a real villian?

Are you a real villian?

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Well, technically, uh, nah.

What does that even mean to say REAL -------
Like what the fuck does a real man mean?
Am I imaginary or what?
How the fuck does the term REAL in front of anything ever make any sense to people?
Is it all imaginary?
So like are you an imaginary villain? Doesn't make any sense.

Have you ever caught a good guy, like, uh, like a real superhero?

>shakes head
>various cartoon noises happen

He's asking if you're truly evil of if you're just a hack poser.

Have you ever tried a disguise?

Why the fuck is this shit on my recommended lists all of a sudden

It's number one

nah, nah

It's a 2deep metaphor about transcendental reality and perception

nah nah

It's number one.

get your normie youtube/facebook memes out my Sup Forums

This meme died when it went mainstream
fuck you MrMangoHead

Alright! I can see that I will have to teach you how to be villains!

Memes aside, this show has some damn good songs.


He's a really deep character.

I think maybe he was raised in the lap of luxury, which would explain how he has so many wacky gadgets and such a fantastic get-up. Maybe his family was one of the richest in Lazytown. Maybe his parents wanted him to live a comfortable, lazy life (which then explains why he's so lazy), and didn't want him associating with the poorer locals of Lazytown, especially Sportacus. This bred an outsider mentality that made him hate the rest for not being like him and even thinking they didn't like him, as if he thought of them as hostile towards his way of life. When his parents died, he inherited their fortune and made a persona to match Sportacus.

But deep down he's very very lonely and really just wants the rest of the people of Lazytown to be his friends (even the actor himself sort of thought of this when asked on an AMA what Robbie feels deep inside), especially Sportacus, his idol, who he wants to be like, albeit his own version of. Maybe he became so far removed that he developed a Bateman Complex, actually becoming psycho because the whole world around him too is psycho. Maybe he wants to kill and replace Sportacus and make everyone in Lazytown lazy and just like him so that he can be their friends.

But that's just a theory...


now robbie rotten will no longer be a virgin

Nah. Dingalinga.


Daily reminder marxism is pseudoscience and marxists deserve to be killed.

Hating Basedunism.

Sorry I don't want to end up looking like this.

You already do LOL

*Tips fedora

I kek audibly every time I see this.


nice pepe memes reddit boy

Is it wrong to be attracted to Stephanie?

>angry reddit projection

All you have to do is look at pictures of communists to realize what a dumb ideology it is.

>Are you a real villian?
of course!


>too fucking lazy to read two paragraphs

>tfw to intelligent to read

i was just thinking that when i made that post. kek

>we memed the cancer out of him

>Villain's Digest "Top 10 Villains in the World"
>Robbie is #10

Is that who I think it is at number 7?


Of course

Why is it in Latin?

Doesn't Naruto take place in a libertarian society?

Besides the fact that Lazytown songs have a pattern of reappearing every so often, Robbie Rotten's actor was diagnosed with cancer and set up a donation thing to fund his recovery.

He seems to be doing relatively well after some sort of procedure. On the other hand, it is/was pancreatic cancer.

No, it's a workers paradise, that's why communist children enjoy it so much.