Remember when political comedy wasn't so one-sided?

Remember when political comedy wasn't so one-sided?

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Norm is so fucking based


did you mean to type that in your address bar?

jesus christ user, it's like you don't even know what the current year is

These jokes aren't funny.


Norm is literally a reddit filter. You can instantly tell if someone is reddit if they have a negative opinion on his comedy.


lol fucking demolished

barely political comedy, that's normal comedy that's been far removed from the mainstream due to political correctness.

I think this is the real reason Norm was fired from SNL.

None of us at the time believed the media protected the Clintons like they did this year, so people blamed the OJ jokes instead.

>member something when we were 5?

no you dont because you lack cultural context. you can watch all the friends you want but youll never be 20 in 1997.

your a plebcore generation. kys.

whoa I didn't know it was THAT different back then

he would be murdered if he said that these days about the hilldawg

>im talking out of my ass like all gen y faggots

the head of nbc was close personal friends with oj. yeah its was totes about clinton. kys now.

you're talking about Don Ohlmeyer, who was also a friend to the Clintons and (unlike OJ) has donated lots of money to their campaign.

Things started going down after Bush, we thought it was ok, because comedy usually attacks the status quo.
But when Obama became the first real celeb president, the left basically made him and his administration untouchable.

And now we have modern "comedy"


A lot of really leftist comedians became popular during the Bush administration because a lot of Americans didn't like George W. Bush

Suddenly, Obama came into power but all those leftists who were telling jokes about Bush didn't go away.

People who thought Obama was just the same bullshit as Bush got their entertainment from other sources. Obviously, YouTube becomes big around this time and LOL RANDUMB/le post-irony comedy supplants political satire.

In 2016, all these leftist comedians - Colbert, Seth Meyers, Trevor Noah and Jon Oliver - are doing pretty poorly.

Their time is almost gone, thank fuck. They think a Trump presidency is going to be like Bush Part II but Trump is the new form of comedy - the troll - and these late night talk show hosts are just going to sink further.

Good time to be alive.

>snl took several jabs at clinton, who isn't even politically relevant anymore

conservacucks hearing what they want to hear from duh ebul librel meadeeuh

Remember when Norm Mcdonald was funny? Me neither.

Tina Fey was the worst.



Norm MacDonald was really the last SNL comedian who's jokes were biting.

He got away with saying them because SJWs were only 5 years old back then. Only once their sheltered, liberal-guilt upbringing was complete could they begin silencing comedians.