Jar Jar



It fits.

>friendly reminder that both Shreev and Jar Jar are from Naboo.

What say you Sup Forums?

>still try to push a theory that came from reddit and is absolutely fucking retarded

The Sheev is Anakin's father theory is so much better


Are you off your meds?


How so?

Jar Jar was actually THE GUY that got the senate to vote Shreev in to absolute power.




>is absolutely fucking retarded
I think it's compelling. The thing that really got me the first time I heard it was the jar-jar/yoda parallelism. If Dooku was just jar-jar's story replacement after they scrapped the idea for episode II, then the yoda v dooku fight would have been very cool. Also recall dooku's arc is that of an ally turning out to be an agent of the dark side.

It pretty much all fits, assuming the idea was scrapped post TPM due to jar-jar's poor audience reception. It could have been the ultimate redeeming retcon though.

I'm trying get to get to a copyright lawyer, also I see there's a mediation company but I think they're a joke. Could still try.

Gaga is going to appeal I notice and her costs weren't that bad either.

JarJar was my favourite character as a kid.

Hmm yes you raise several interesting points


Not really
>audience didn't like a character that is supposed to be wicked so is removed from story reveal

He was suppose to be Yodas opposite but got too much negative reaction. Yoda was also playing dumb, goofy and weird when he was first encountered by Luke only to find out Yoda is one of the greatest Jedi masters.

> (OP) #
>He was suppose to be Yodas opposite but got too much negative
It doesn't add up because of reasons.


He really was the key to all of this

Jar Jar has one of the worst designs in Star Wars
Even more than walrus man

>The Sheev is Anakin's father theory is so much better

That's not a theory. It was confirmed in the Plagueis novel.

Maybe they'll let the creators of the Rebels cartoon play with this idea.

Luke was anakins father when his force Ghost traveled back in time to bang shmee

He's based on Baphomet.