Who else saw the top movie of 2016 this week?

Who else saw the top movie of 2016 this week?

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is that the nice guys yeah that was good

They're not showing it in my country yet

Absolute kino

faggy nonsense. Nothing original.

Fedoras are awesome

Edgelord Sup Forums bullshit aside, saw it this weekend.

Loved it, thought it was a slick, well-made movie. Psyched to see more from Chazelle. Not exactly the saddest film, but the poignancy of the ending has really stayed.

It's good, if you're not an edgelord piece of shit teenager, go see it.

Otherwise, do your thing.

Just saw it today.

I thought it was neat, with the tap-dancing scene being the definite highlight of the movie.

What was up with the ending though? If Mia was able to start up a completely new relationship with another dude, why couldn't she just stay with Sebastian?

Spoilers dude spoilers. Why'd you give away the ending...God....!

>hallmark channel shit


if this was the exact same film but ryan gosling wore a baldcap throughout the whole movie, or had his hair cut to look like he had advanced male pattern baldness, people wouldn't like it anymore.


>tfw too intelligent and masculine too watch musicals

Movie of the year. No doubt.

>too smart to know how to e-mail

>frog fu

Sounds like a top tier kino.

It was faggy but in a cool way

This cant be real

>the tap-dancing scene being the definite highlight of the movie.
This scene was the most happy I've been in a theater this year.

tell me goose was based in it, please i must know

It's garbage tho


Well they're sort of right. Clinton campaign was all about specific policies and plans and dryly citing numbers while Trump appealed to the muh feels crowd.

>the new yorker

haha go fuck yourself


Thanks. I am jealous of Chazelle. Now i feel good.

this. it looks so fucking unbelievably unbearably corny

I was extremely upset about the ending when i got out of the theater. I guess they were trying to say you have to sacrifice things to make your dreams come true...? I fucking cried when they shared that smile.
It's incredible, but it's still not the 11/10 the hype promised us. Still pretty much locked to BP.

Policies and plans that literally nobody trusted her to implement as described

You need to sell people on a coherent vision beyond individual policies so that people know what you're actually trying to achieve. What was she even running for? Nobody knew, least of all her supporters

is it sad

This is the same guy who trashed Empire Strikes Back and said Attack of the Clones and ROTS were experiments masterpieces. I'm convinced he writes this shit as satire, like Borowitz. Either way, his opinions are fucking trash.

I actually really want to see it with a female.

t. neckbeard piece of shit teenager

This year in movies sucked in comparison to the past few years, but holy shit this movie was amazing.

reddit the musical

Saw it yesterday. What a gigantic pile of fun.

reddit the musical? It wasn't in space, about memes or star Chris Pratt or Jennifer Lawrence

t. reddit

does emma stone expose her feet in the film?

I really enjoyed it too. That was probably one of the most satisfying endings I've seen in a decade.

>I wasn't in space

There was that one awkward scene though


I did.
it's between Green Room, The Handmaiden, The Wailing for me.
i still have a few to check out though.
i hear moonlight is great. can anyone confirm ?

Yep. I wanted to jerk off right there in the theater but couldn't. I was already on edge for disobeying my theater's No Singles policy.

I really enjoyed the ending too. Such a comfy movie.

>liking Green Room
Pleb taste

genuinely enjoyed it. nice guys was good too.

> Trump appealed to the muh feels crowd.

as opposed to the clinton campaign literally selling "i'm a woman" cards on her site and pushing the "time for a woman" angle at every opportunity?

Great film. Really want to see it again.

The name of the film is fairly apropos. It's best if you look at the film as a musical for millennials. We keep looking back at the past generations, thinking, "Why can't we have things like them?" We want everything. We want the relationship, the kids, the house, and we want to do that without making sacrifices. But that can't happen anymore, and that's what Mia and Seb find out. It's hammered home during that dream sequence at the end taking place in la la land. Some dream is out there, but it isn't reality. What we do have, however, the actual reality that we can really work hard for, isn't that bad. Seb's got that club he always wanted and Mia became a big-time actress like she wanted. Sure things aren't perfect, but things can't be perfect, and that's okay.

I want baby goose to cuddle me.

You know, not everyone is on one side or the other. No need to get offended.

>and after the first few notes are heard Seb launches into his elaborate mansplanation of the origins and merits of jazz

dvdscreener when?!?!?

She probably met that guy when she went to Paris or traveling elsewhere. They split up because they had conflicting lives.

Not I. I'm seeing it Tuesday.

Just go see it. If we all support good movies, more good movies will be made. See how that works?

spend the money or we are going to get more reboots and capeshit movies