Someone thought this was a good idea and would be an 'epic moment'

>someone thought this was a good idea and would be an 'epic moment'

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It was cool, but makes you wonder why it wasn't then targeted by 50 TIE fighters.

>i hate thing

no one cares

That whole battle scene made no sense to me

>Rebel fleet holding their ground comfortably against multiple star destroyers
>Suddenly get wrecked by a single one at the end

>literally used like a hammer


someone has clearly never played space engineers

it's easy when you have allah on your side.

You missed the part where half of the fleet has warped away and the Executor warped in on top of the flagship suddenly and crippled it immediately?

did that little ship push that giant star destroyer?


It wasn't the Executor, it was a standard star destroyer

>Muh contrarianism

Honestly it was great, the best parts of this film is when it goes full fanfiction with setpieces that are there just because it looks cool

Yes but before that Xwings do a run on it with Ion Torpedos to disable whole ship.
It was cool as fuck and OP is just a virginal faggot

>lol only contrarian hipsters could say anything bad about Star Wars™


What's the point of making Star Destroyers so big if they're just gonna get shoved by an itty bitty star cruiser

How is one tiny ship going to produce enough thrust to move something that much bigger to have enough velocity to slice through another ship?

>it literally bounces off like a video game
>somehow has enough power to push that big fucking thing into the other
>it somehow completely destroys both
>no reason at all the other one starts falling downards like it's space.....

The mouse is fucking retarded lol

If you had a basic understanding of physics you wouldn't be asking these questions

It's okay to say you don't know

What PS2 game is this?

Omg Epic, u r no fun op this an actual scene from the new SW movie?

Glad I didn't waste my time with this dogshit.

>no reason at all the other one starts falling downards like it's space.....

Let me guess, you're one of these morons that think 'space = zero gravity dude!'

Planets have gravity genius, and things near them tend to react to that.

>he doesn't understand what makes things heavy

I like it. I think it was great and something new in space battles.

You're already autistic; come up with something.

>no reason at all the other one starts falling downards like it's space.....
>LITERALLY above a planet

and guess what
it fell towards the planet

I don't see anything wrong here desu

Well you're one of those idiots that thinks space = no mass or velocity

so simply exerting a force on something = crashing out of control

>tfw to intelligent for this post

if concussive damage is so destructive to even star destroyers, why don't they just program an A-Wing to fly at hyperspace speed into a star destroyer and blow it up? they don't even need someone to fly it, just write a fucking computer program or even control it remotely.

i always wonder this in space fiction. just get any ship to accelerate to light speed and ram it into something. and if you have the technology for a spaceship, you can write a program that flies it automatically or can control the ship remotely so there's no danger.

How come the star destroyer was unable to outmatch that cruiser's thrust?

Post a webm of Bunnyfu's death

> space

Lost my fucking shit

All I see is INTENSIFY FORWARD FIREPOWER but with an Old Republic-era ship

Can these Disney hacks do nothing new or interesting?

>if concussive damage is so destructive to even star destroyers, why don't they just program an A-Wing to fly at

Please. It looked good.
Really disappointing movie, though.

It was offline and just floating in space, retard.

That's the joke you moron.

honestly, where's all the cgi haters now that fake star wars movies are doing it instead of the real ones that pioneered this shit

stupid faggots

lol the religion of peace sure showed those white men whose boss i'll say

exactly my point. except the A-Wing wasn't really going that fast. imagine that going at light speed, or at least fast enough to escape a planet's orbit.

OP forgot to include the part right before this where the Xwings Ion torpedo the ship which disables the engines

This and TFA were literally "red.dit" the films

it WAS a good idea and succeeded at being epic. thanks for making this thread op. upvote.

And you are literally "" the post.
Back to /i/, you autistic fuck.

I loved it.

>that happy music while everyone in the star destroyer was sucked out into space

what the fuck was that about


That's a good one, mind if I use it?

I'm sorry but you guys don't know shit about physics the scene was pretty accurate if you realized the Star Destroyer was dead in space.

How come this looks so much better?

>rebel ship can crash into star destroyer and recieve no damage
>star destroyer hits other star destroyer and both are utterly destroyed

I'm enjoying how all the critics of thigs at least GOOD movie are being getting rekt xdddd

they don't know what to talk shit about, SJW, white people is evil, Vader scene was fanservice... now this scene.. it's great

>Strike something once and then push it.

seems like a hammer to me.

holy shit that part was fucking epic.
>rebels got this wrapped up
>let's head home boys!
>see your bros warping away
>you're about to warp away too
>here we go-
>crash right into a fucking star destroyer that warped right in front of you
>ship is fucked
>vader boards and starts wrecking everyone

Herpy derp cocks

>smaller ship his extremely larger ship
>almost no damage
>started pushing larger ship into another large ship
>totaled both
The fuck how does physics work in a galaxy far far away?


Giant space battle is better to watch than two ships crashing

wouldn't losing 3 star destroyers be an even bigger loss for the empire than the death star? how come
its not mentioned in the OT

>star destroyer is strong enough to cut through another star destroyer
>little ship doesn't instantly turn to debris when it hits the same star destroyer


what ps2 game is this?




if you're a fan of starwars movies in any capacity, you should like rogue one. It is a fucking awesome STARWARS movie. Let's face it, NONE of the starwars movies are kino, but if you like them, you should like R1. It is easily the third best starwars movie.

>it ain't sheev starts playing

I liked it, looked great on the silver screen. Didn't really watch the camrip.


>It fell to the planet because of the planet's gravity!
>The Star Destroyer could be pushed by the Hammerhead because they're in space and gravity is what gives objects weight!
lmao, anyone who defends that piece of shit scene should just fucking kill themselves.

Jesus christ, that's not really in the movie is it? This is some fan-made shit? Right?

Literally space 9/11

One ISD is amazingly small compared to the Death Star (see pic). They would have to lose all of their ISDs multiple times over for it to be as big a loss as a Death Star.

u dum

you mean like how that one star destroyer in return of the jedi literally points downwards in space and crashes into another star destroyer?

let me fucking repeat this: STARWARS HAS NEVER BEEN GOOD.

However, rogue one is a good >>>STARWARS

Do you not understand how zero gravity works? lmao

>making the Empire's biggest battle spaceships crash into one another is this fucking easy
what a load of horseshit

there is no weight in space

>there are people on Sup Forums that actually watch cams instead of waiting for decent rips


You don't have asperger's, right?

Oh wait, you do.

The only scene in the trilogy where the density is warranted and appreciated.

Although I still for the life of me can't figure out which ship is Grievance's, or what the fuck a vulture droid is.

Vader's stardestroyer is a big guy.

Yeah that was awesome, loved this entire battle sequence tbqh

>downwards in space

>shells for laser weapons
what the fuck

hey any chance that web might be broken? it freezes for me at the 5 second mark, and when I try to dl it, it doesn't complete.

This really fucking annoyed me.

When Rogue One asks for help from the rebels, they get told to fuck off, so they go on the mission on their own with some volunteers. They're doing great and all, but then the rebels decide they want to "help" after all, and they fuck up the stealth mission which gets Rogue One killed.

>somehow was able to increase momentum so quickly that it completely sheers that other ship not even that far away

The engines were disabled.

>laser weapons
They're obviously not.

>always felt that this scene looked familiar
>I fucking played it in 90s PC game called X-Wing
>playing it again during its sequel Tie Fighter


Looks like something a little kid dreamt up.

>"See this'ship looks like! a! hammer! Soitshould beable to ram into other ships and push the otherships around!"

Yes they are, you can visually see the lasers coming out of them not to mention the other huge laser blasts coming out of the same ship.

>there is not weight in space
Yet the destroyed Star Destroyer FELL into the planet below
Things don't fall without weight, weight doesn't exist without gravity.
The Star Destroyers had weight, that scene is really fucking dumb and you should consider suicide for defending it.

>ships broadsiding in futuristic space combat
>short range weaponry
really rustles my jimmies


>Disney defence force
The giant starship has fuckton of inertia, it's hard to move it even in space.
>if a teeny tiny ship can create force to move itself at a reasonable peace then it can easily move a ship that has thousands times more mass
Maybe it could collide destroyers if they had been like a meter away from each other