What are some reddit-tier genres? I say Comedy nowadays

What are some reddit-tier genres? I say Comedy nowadays

Your favourite genre

Fucking mouthbreather, stop trying to fit in.

>space opera

this woman makes me irrationally upset

Horror, especially if it's social commentary horror.


intentionally bad movies like Sharknado

>doesn't think Babylon 5 is a modern masterpiece

It's quite rational to be upset because of Amy Schumer

Of course standup is shit anymore due to SJW shit, but that doesn't mean all comedy is bad now.

Everything that tries to be a """social commentary"""

I would unironically FUCK amy schumer

Everything that has ever been on youtube.

I'm not saying it's good or bad, but the genre itself is undeniably reddit.

Definitely Sci-fi nowadays.

Oh, you mean Sup Forums-tier.

I would honestly plow this hambeast, but with a gag in her mouth and a paperbag covering her head

it really sucks that all comedies think they have to be action movies now and have to include car chases and shoot outs

Star wars

You sick fuck!

What if someone filmed you and uploaded it on youtube?

I would be too rough with her and laugh when she seems distracted in interviews.