Why does every male Asian character have to be gay?


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Because jews are to whites what whites are to asians

Whites are always looking to subvert the Asian race and persuade their women to choose miscegenation

because women don't understand male friendship, any time women see two guys being friends in a movie they say "lol theyre gay" (also happens with all tv shows). women don't understand brotherhood or real friendship like men. not even sexist kek but it's fucking true.

>a fucking war movie with two dudes fighting and dying side by side
>lol they're gay x DDDD

>male characters so much as look at each other

And then they get pissy about men hiding their emotions

Because when you look like a burn victim, no woman will ever love you

why can't leftists understand the concept of brotherly love, especially between comrades in arms?

They pulled this same shit with Sam and Frodo and I just don't get it.

No we aren't, keep your slant eyed women away from us

They're not masculine enough for White women.

kek - I'm sure the Asian market would like that.

this is fake news btw

Speak for yourself, American jew

Is there any way to take rights away from women at this point?


It ain't gay unless dicks are touching in parallel

ITT: movies women will never understand

>why is he crying in the end? what was his problem?

fucking funnny gay asians in star wars
gay faggot in star trek

>because women don't understand male friendship

the write is a white male

What does 'fake news' mean?

Also, what the fuck is this? How am I suppose to know what is fucking romantic? WHO THE FUCK DOES GOOGLE THING I AM?

an actual male or a numale?

i bet the theory they're gay was started by women on tumbrl

according to white supremacists all Asian males are effeminte

t. r/AznMasculinty


Why do so many people want the entertainment industry to pander to gays, they only make up 1% of the population. Adding gay characters don't make a movie good automatically, you don't get brownie points because of this shit

They must be gay!

Hollywood movies seem to have 50% gay characters these days even though only 1% of the population is LGBTNAMBLA+