Why is Sup Forums so negative towards NIRVANA?


>mfw some retard suggests that Bleach is better than Nevermind

Because they're a 30 year old mediocre band that hasn't released anything in decades yet you fags think there needs to be 3 threads dedicated to them at all times.

Because it's cool to hate them now probably

Because Kurt was an insufferable soyboy and his fans are even worse

I'm not the biggest Nirvana fan here. The only album I really like int it's entirety is In Utero. I'm just am perplexed as to why they're so hated, especially when considering what most mainstream bands are like.

well that's cause tumblrshits are obsessed with kurt

I think everything has been said by those 2.

Everyone already listened to their music, also Nirvana's fan base is reddit tier shit and Sup Forums and most people on Sup Forums dont want them here.
The truth is Nirvana was already discussed to death both irl by normies and in the internet, no one cares anymore.

t. 30 year old mediocre and insufferable soyboy

Seem that people LIKE Nirvana on Sup Forums
What are you going on about, OP?

Sup Forums hates music in general.

your thread is now irrelevant.

they're very divisive around here but Nevermind is still #31 on RYM.

They're popular

Every fan base is like that.

edgy teen's first edgy band

oh, and their music is shit too, especially bleach and in utero

Because HCP is cooler

This pretty much sums it up, although the people on mu are way to concerned with obnoxius fanbases, wich takes away from the discussion of the music itself.

Probably because everyone listened to them so much as a kid/teenager that they're now sick of their music. This includes me btw

Bleach > In Utero > Nevermind

Because Pixies did it better.

Because Alice In Chains is the exact same band but better in literally every way.

they're a reminder of high school days and thus a painful reminder that the average poster here hasn't developed emotionally since

They are contrarians who weren't even born until after Kurt died.

Because there's people that say shit like. "Look at this poor troubled man. Kurt was rejected growing up and as an adult. I remember having a party with Kurt and he left with his head down, I cried for him actually! So I offered him some pot and we smoked it all night long listening to Meet the Beatles. But don't do that kids, drugs are very bad." Plus, Mudhoney is better anyway.

Because most people here don't get what made Nirvana good - they're power pop with noise rock influences and Kurt was a fantastic songwriter musically speaking. The issue is that people focus on the notion of a grunge aesthetic which is fucking bollocks. In any case, is it for everyone? Nah, generally people that like Nirvana like power pop and noise rock, which sometimes meet (Big Black doing a cover of Cheap Trick's He's A Whore, for example), but most of the time not really.

In a way, it is very much an issue with bands like The Beatles and Radiohead where for how fucking good their music is even regarding songwriting most completely miss the point and focus on the aestethic.

They took rock and made it become pop

>Alice in Chains
>talentless punk power chord band

It is though.

Contrarianism is a powerful force in these parts. They're highly celebrated by the mainstream so that means they have to be hated by the contrarians to at least an equal degree.

Nevermind is poppy(aside from Endless,Nameless)
Bleach and In Utero are not really poppy at all aside from like a few singles

Because grunge overall sucks.

Because it's cool to hate them now. I remember 6 years ago when everyone I knew either didn't care for Nirvana or fucking loved them. Nowadays everyone just shits on them because of memey songs (LOL RAPE ME XDDDDD)

I personally think they're great, but they're not for everyone.

I like Nirvana, but this is true