What kind of music does the average Rick and Morty fan listen to Sup Forums?

What kind of music does the average Rick and Morty fan listen to Sup Forums?

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you're favorite band

death grips, daft punk

these along with car seat headrest, kendrick lamar, swans

t. Rick and Morty fan

there's only one white person in this pic (just saying)

no one outside of Sup Forums knows who csh and swans are

Reminder that R&M is a good show and those kids did nothing wrong they just wanted the sauce


they're both shilled by international marketing publishing house Conde Nast on Pitchfork.com and play massive festivals

IDM, because it has "intelligent" in it.

Average rick and morty fans dont listen to swans

Kendrick Lamar definitely, I don't know about the other two
I don't think these kids know who Death Grips are



I like Ariel Pink and John Maus


Rick and Morty fans are to intelligent to waste their time with an inferior art form such as music.

god damn


>implying a band who get exposure through Pitchfork aren't normie as fuck

Lil Dicky, Professional Rapper.

Judging by the pic I would say Death Grips, Lil Ugly Mane and other meme music like that

Animal Collective
David Bowie
The Beach Boys
Death Grips
Pink Floyd
Kendrick Lamar
My Bloody Valentine
Frank Zappa
Captain Beefheart
The Beatles
The Doors
Jimi Hendrix
Aphex Twin
Boards of Canada
Kanye West

le mucore xD

Pink Floyd

queen, the who, led zeppelin, pink floyd, biggie, and kendrick

Dad Rock and EDM

>nobody's said Tool yet
It's Tool

Aphex Twin
Boards of Canada
Future Sound of London

yada, yada, yada...Anything that's labeled IDM (Intelligent Dance Music)

Chance the Rapper