Texting a girl I met recently

>texting a girl I met recently
>going well, likeable, smart enough, funny
>"so what music do you like?"
>she replies with "idk really. anything with a good beat lol"

so what music do you like op?

idk man anything with a good beat really


so what music do you like user


Idk lol, anything with a good beat desu


>being so autistic you need your girl to have the same tastes as you

so what music do you like desu

anything really, but only if it has a good beat

shes a normie and youre probably in high school


fuck you buddy I just graduated

when you grow up you'll realize going after girls with good music taste is pointless and stupid. a girls taste in music is only as good as her lay boyfriends. they are like a sponge, you have to show them good music/movies/etc

nah I don't mind that it's different, it was just annoyingly vague.

my so was like that when we were teenagers, just listened to what was on the radio and only listened to like two stations. didn't really get into music until a little older
my nephew only listens to singles on youtube and if it's not on an artists vevo account he turns his nose up at it, he's really into his music too. he's either 16 or 17

oh have i got something for you kid

Extremely broad, elaborate?

Oh nice, it's a "Normies Find Out /r9k/ is Actually All of Sup Forums" episode. Gets me every time.

>expecting a girl to have good taste in music