How much influence did your parents have over your music taste?

How much influence did your parents have over your music taste?

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My dad always played the Beatles and Elton John, so naturally I sprouted into a musical genius. I'm happy about that. My mom was into 60's folk stuff, and now as an adult I really love folk music. It's not bad, user.

I grew up on classic country music because it's all my dad listens to. It's still a major component of my tastes, although I've lost interest in the later overproduced 70's/80's stuff

My dad played a lot of classical when I was younger, so I know a lot of classical pieces by ear. But I'm the opposite now, completely into modern stuff. past 1960 at least. Is that you by the way, you're not looking too good user

Cool, my mom likes 60's folk as well. Peter Paul & Mary, Simon & Garfunkel, Gordon Lightfoot, etc.


zero. neither was into music, my dads favorite band was REM. i always thought they were just a soft rock drone fest dad band and then i listened to them and realized i was right

Literally none, all my dad listens to is obscure reggae from the 60s/70's and 80's and rare compilations he's collected overtime. All my mum listened to was stuff like gospel, Bob Marley and Sex Pistols.

My dad gave me an old Mp3 player when i was 8 and it had loads of 80s post punk and 00s garage rock, with an assortment of pop rock he was into. I like it still, though i'm not blasting Travis out of my car speakers anymore

I got my taste for heavy metal from my dad and nothing from mom, who listens exclusively to Christian rock.

I hope to God you're Jamaican

Nah i'm white English.

My dads favorite band is AC/DC so none

My dad showed me my first favorite rock song (Rush - Tom Sawyer). He kinda got me a bit into music when I was a child. Later on I kinda detached myself from his taste and became a hipster-experimental-field recordings-wankery kinda guy. I'd say he had a limited but lasting impact on my music.

My mom is the biggest pleb I know, and I mean that completely, not as a hyperbole. She listens to the most vapid, boring and shitty latin adult contemporary on the face of the earth.

is your mom a university prof?

My mom played Rain dogs to us as a child, she also played french house, acid, trip hop, penguin cafe and jazz rap stuff like madvillian. My dad played rock, punk, post punk and the bends, the bends, the bends, the bends. He also played IDM and breakbeaty stuff.

I'd say they had pretty much all the influence.

Except for noise, my uncle was in a shoegaze band. Messed around with feedback when I was 6. Good times

your parents sound cool as fuck, how old are you?

>dad: symphonic metal, hard rock/hair metal from the 80s, anything with a hot girl singer
>mom: momcore (Coldplay, John Mayer, DMB), top 40
>me: psych rock, jangle pop, lo-fi, kraut/prog, ambient/downtempo
My mom's Coldplay - Parachutes CD got me interested early on and led me to Radiohead but otherwise none

High school teacher

Your family sounds cool as shit my dude.

My dad is the reason I hate Jimmy Buffet. That's about it.


none at all. asked my mom when i was young if i could get a vivaldi cassette but nope she just casually said ok

i guess i appreciate country more because of them but other than that not much

My father laid down the building blocks for my taste, which got totally out of hand and way more experimental than what he would normally listen to. He comes from a different background, which does have an impact, but I admire the fact that even as a broke kid raised in Urosevac, he was still very interested in art, which was not common at all.
Still, the old man did introduce me to a lot of great jazz, rock and pop music, even some rap and electronic stuff.
He definitely implemented that need I have for music, without a doubt, wouldn't be the person I am today without my interest in music.
My mother on the other hand, not so much, we rarely agree on anything, music and politics especially.
If it was up to her, she would've thrown away all of our albums into the trash.
She was never supportive of me in that sense, but I wouldn't say that she's a bad parent either, we just never bonded on that scale.

None, if anything it was older cousins I knew that would come over that were a bigger influence.

Only oldschool dancehall could be mellow and hype at the same time

My dad was a sax player so he had alot of jazz and funk around which I'm thankful for

They loved playing either jazz, gospel or groups like The Manhattans on a CD player in the living room. I think the biggest influence early on was the jazz they'd play. As I'm starting to work out jazz improvisation I'm realizing just how many licks I'm singing over changes are things I'd heard Chet Baker doing as a kid.

My mom and aunts all loved grunge, especially Pearl Jam so I heard a lot of that, and a lot of classic rock. I fucking loved the Scorpions and Nirvana when I was younger. My dad got me super into Metallica but he was a pleb who liked their Load albums, still got me interested in heavier music. Eventually I branched off into extreme and experimental, but my appreciation for grunge and dad rock is still really prominent. It was strange growing up to learn about Layne Staley and Kurt Cobain and the shit they went through when as a naive young lad I just really loved the way the music sounded absent of understanding its context entirely. I remember my dad making fun of me for liking Nirvana and singing along
>I swear I dont have a gun
>But I blow off my own fucking heeaaad
>user you know your favorite singer killed himself dont you?
Felt really weird about it and didnt grasp it at the time

Yes. We all do.

My mom is really into folk so naturally I've always been into folk as well and my dad is your usual dadrock type but he's still the main reason I got into metal and punk/post punk/new wave

My father is into new-wave so i listened to it as a kid. He also likes NMH. My mother played a lot of David Bowie.

Dad sounds like a dick. Also
>Implying Kurt wasn't murdered

Glad to know I'm not alone.

you mean fucking hilarious? I cant wait to joke with my kids and cause severe psychological harm for my amusement
> dad drops off mom at store
>alright kids say bye to mom forever! Bye forever mom!!
>me and sis cry hysterically
>hes busting a gut
Regardless, any of you at the point in your lives where you start shaping your parents tastes? Ive been feeding my mom Sup Forumscore for awhile now and have her liking Radiohead and NMH and Animal Collective n such. Feels good.

delete this image immediately

My mom loved David Bowie and U2, and my dad loved Foreigner.

I'm a prog, jazz, and metal kinda guy. I mean I like Bowie and still have a soft spot for some Foreigner but they really didn't have a big bearing on my listening habits or interests. I guess my mom had a 45 of Tom Sawyer? And my uncle on my dad's side supposedly loves Jethro Tull, but I've never met that guy.

I tried to show my mom NMH and told me to turn that shit singer off. She liked The Glow Pt. 2 a bit though.

My dad loves Americ anFootball. That's pretty much it.

>spelling American Football like that
>the cringe is unreal

My mom is a fan of lots of the indie folk I've shown her. She liked Andrew Jackson Jihad a lot. She also liked Sufjan Stevens and Violent Femmes.

no influence at all my uncle on the other hand had a alot.
i remember listening to dadrock, entry level heavy metal and entry level electronic music with him
good times


It sounds better that way.

the only song my parents ever put me onto was white lines by grandmaster flash, still love that track

They introduced me to a lot when I was young: Springsteen, The Grateful Dead, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Warren Zevon, U2, R.E.M., The Clash, Yo La Tengo, Sufjan Stevens, The Replacements, De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, etc.

Do you like Steve Earle? My dad is a fan of him and Townes Van Zandt.

My dad started me off not listening to radio dreck and I've since surpassed him.

top 10 anime defeats.

Aside from you or your kids mental state, which I couldn't care less about; you do realize this is why your family will mostly remain poor retards riddled with addiction, right?

user would you like to talk about your family

Not really, I like "pure" country like Hank Williams and Ernest Tubb and obscure honky tonk singers who never released an LP in their lifetime. Some of my dad's favourites are Charley Pride, Kris Kristofferson, and Ronnie Milsap.

My mom exclusively listens to Def Leppard. It's the only music she owns. Wouldn't even put the radio on when I was a kid, just Def Leppard. Whenever I complained she'd just start ranting about how inspirational the one-armed drummer is. We don't really talk anymore.

Yeah. I wouldn't talk to her either. WTF?

Honestly wish I had an explanation for you

>we don't really talk anymore
i laughed so hard.

My armchair diagnosis is that she's fucking crazy.

dad always had something playing as long as there's a cd player around
which i kinda inherited but now its every moment i can because of how easy it is to listen to music

very different music taste though, but obssesive nonetheless

My mommy force fed me Classical Romance music

My dad and i share just a few bands or currents we like, but what I would say was his greatest contribution is teaching me to appreciate different styles of music since I was a toddler, so I could have a wide range of taste and that has spread to a lot of different mediums.

My mom doesnt really listen to music so I would say none

>playing NMH for your mom
>the cringe is unreal

>Mum listenes to pop but she got me intrested in David Bowie, Queen, and Blur so she and my step dad influenced me the most
>Dad didn't really influence me in terms of music taste. I don't even know his taste in music to be honest
>Step dad got me intrested in Ska and Punk.

Oi, very little. My dad introduced me to some sorta good mainstream classic rock bands like Zep, Boston, ZZ Top, but more importantly he got me a guitar when I was young, although all I knew from music basically came from rock radio and guitar hero until I was 15-ish.

I envy those kids who grew up in households that played classical or basically any other non-mainstream 20th century stuff.

Consider yourself lucky. My parents listened to show tunes.

My mother loves Elton John since her teenage years and I grew up with pic related. It's still one of my favourite albums and Funeral For a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding in my Hand is one of the greatest album openers to exist.

Okay yeah that's worse. I fucking hate musicals and Broadway shit

I know all the words to The Sound of Music, West Side Story, Doctor Doolittle, Mary Poppins and so many others I can't name them.
On the bright side there were Jesus Christ Superstar and Hair.

Decently? My dad showed me bands like The Beatles, Mars Volta, Todd Rundgren, Titus Andronicus, NMH, Deerhunter, Elf Power, which are all great groups. He's mostly a hardcore dadrocker so any time he showed me an indie or creative band it was mostly random and he only knew of an album of theirs because he reads music magazines.

Do you still like musicals or no? I mean drama girls are usually qts but every time I try and keep up with them about any of the plays and movies they like I just... can't. The cheese is unbearable.

I'm kind of indifferent to them. I would never sit around and listen to a soundtrack but I found myself enjoying the movie The Sound of Music when it came on TV not too long ago.

Yea she tends to like folk and sung vocals. Ima bring Richard Dawson up next and see how she likes it. My dad digs on stuff with silly or juvenile like Ween or pick related, which by the way is a fucking classic

this is all incredible

100% bullshit

how sad is your life that you have to pretend this hard

Are you a jazz singer user???

Quite a bit. My dad was in a band in the late 70s/early 80s. Definitely inspired me to become a musician myself.

>my mom and dad turned me onto
The Beatles, Queen, Pink Floyd, The Police, Rush, Duran Duran, Glenn Gould, E Power Biggs, Talking Heads, The Cars, ABBA, UFO, Black Sabbath, Crowded House, Van Halen, The Monkees, The Clash, Squeeze, Madonna, Blondie, Styx, Motley Crue, The Beach Boys, Pat Benatar, The Psychedelic Furs, Yanni, Sparks, Cheap Trick, Beastie Boys, INXS, Ramones, John Denver, REM, Nirvana... and many others

Still like to sit around and show them music that I've been getting into. Theyre pretty open minded.

coldplay lowkey wishes they were radiohead

very entry level dad rock, will tell you only about pink floyd and the beatles' most overrated/popular songs
country pop
my parents never influenced my taste

I listen to russian music because of my parents

A decent bit
Dad likes dadrock (duh), grunge, and metal which laid down my appreciation for rock
Mom likes 80's pop and Björk
My cousins actually influenced my music a great bit introducing me to French House, IDM, Prog, and Psych Rock

My mom liked cheesy 80s mexican ballads and pop songs and my dad likes jazz and prog the most, I like to constantly talk with him about new artists that I find and ever since I was a kid he has made me listen to his collection of music, mostly Yes, Camel and Spyro Gira since those are his favorites. I got him into TMV and to appreciate King Crimson on the other hand.

Animals by Pink Floyd was the first album my mom (1st Gen immigrant from India) listened to when she came to America, and she stands by it as her favorite AOAT. To be honest, Animals is def up there for me as well.


My dad liked Velvet Underground but that was just a coincidence, he never shared it until I mentioned it. Otherwise I listen to 80s and country stations when I decide to turn on the radio while driving.

Literally my entire music taste is based on the stuff my dad listens to

fake & gay, there's no fucking way your mom would play Rain Dogs, penguin cafe, & Madvillain. Bull fucking shit.

fuck whoever made that image

Only really adopted Big Country & The Cure from them.
Genetically Prefferred The Smiths like My Dad did at My Age apparently, but he never played them when I was Younger.
Thought most of the other stuff they listened to was generic 80s blandpop desu.

>parents listen exclusively to dadrock
>get excited when I get into it
>fastforward three years later
>they're disappointed I expanded my taste and rarely still listen to dadrock

My dad sat me down and played Wagner for me since the day I was born until teen years. Inspired me to learn any instrument I could, I'll never be able to repay him for that. Showed me Chick Corea and Zappa too. He had a stroke and heart attack this week :/

i'm 20 and i still don't know how to approach classical so it was cool of your dad to introduce you to something so complex. gud shit.

When my mom was pregnant w me she went to a slipknot and pantera show, my dad was playing slayer, suicidal tendencies, gwar, jimi hendrix, acdc, biohazard, fuck you name it since I was a young lad around me, nowadays I like listening to stuff like that, mostly thrash and punk

Irish Folk,Yeye girls and Outlaw Country is what i grew up on. Lifes been good

is he dead? if so, my condolences

My dad beat me and i dont blame him

>Whilst Pregnant with you
Fuck fuck FUCK

I really hate most 80s pop and hair metal because of them. What a cringey scene.

Basically grew me on a steady diet of CAN, Neu!, Ennio Morricone, Boards of Canada, Velvet Underground, Kraftwerk, Beatles, The Byrds, The Band, Dylan, Black Sabbath, general heavy/thrash metal, post-punk, acid techno, and all that patrish shit.

grew me on radio pop

So yeah I now generally like more experimental music with a pop edge. or just metal.


not at all.
my mom only listens to shitty contemporary gospel like Kirk Franklin and Fred Hammond.

it was terrible.

No, I think he's doing okay. Can't talk much, getting speech therapy. Thank you though.

Meant for

John Frusciante babysat me briefly before he joined the peppers. So my parents were involved in that whole Hollywood rock scene