Sup Forums music general

Dump all your favorite Sup Forums themes tunes in this thread. I'll start[Open][Open][Open][Open][Open][Open]

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>put the word sage in the options field
>this won't bump the thread
>use this when replying to threads you dont want to bump

i feel like it would make more sense to just post this on Sup Forums, you'll get more relevant replies there

you have to go back

way to read the guide, newfag

>never been to Sup Forums
They don't care about music, they care about habbenings and tweets.

fuck off nazi

>bumping thread
what did he meant by this?

oy vey!

reddit needs to go back

i think he wants the nazi to fuck off

Did someone say NSBM general?


hey op when the rev comes, do you plan on facing the firing squads or killing yourself like a coward?

if you just stopped sucking so much dick you'd be safe from this

1: Blondes are ugly, especially the ones who dye it

2: Kosovo is a muslim country, just as much as Ireland is a Catholic country

3: Hitler hated Poles

4: Real Christians like the Westboro church would denounce and destroy you

5: cringe larp thread, fuck off and get a real identity

No one cares, idiot.

remember, black people invented blues and rock n roll, and everything you listen to stems from that

that is exactly what i said


>deus vult
As if that wasn't cringe enough there are the other cringefest videos. I'm not a lefty unlike many here on mu, but this is the kind of thing a kid posts. No, I've got a better definition: this is boomer shit. Those times when you can see user is just trying too hard. If you're gonna pretend to be a nazi, at least be a respectful one, not an untermensch skinhead-like sack of shit. Hopefully you realize soon enough why nazism is a failed ideology, and I don't mean that from a jewish point of view, but from someone who wants Europeans to be left alone. Insisting on something as tainted as national socialism both fails to see the main point and hammers yet another nail in the European coffin.

quality post

The Rev died. He was a pretty good drummer.
