ITT: Post your Reddit username. Other anons will look through your post history and determine

ITT: Post your Reddit username. Other anons will look through your post history and determine
>Music taste
>iq level

You poor yet brave soul. Admitting you have Reddit.

Run. Just run.

I'll start

Bonus points if you pm me nudes


this is the most reddit post i've ever fucking seen.

not even joking

Not posting my username but I’ll post my profile.

I'm sure 99% of us have Reddit accounts. Only fags will pretend they're any better than the neckbeards on Reddit

is that a walgreens hat

>genuinely having such insecurities to have created a username
oh you anons shouldn't be admitting this shit

lol nice censoring faggot im gonna pm you a pic of my dick now


I genuinely believe Sup Forums is much better than Reddit by design. I tried using reddit, but I feel like all the big subreddits are just unfunny images and all the small ones are dead. I have struggled to find anything worthwile and ultimately didn't

trouble is the subreddits are saturated with the same pop garbage. it isn't a specific music discussion about bands that are relevant to the scene, it is a discussion about pop stars.


much like kpop or grimes threads.

even subgenre subreddits just post the same fucking bullshit all the time

I simply don't believe in upvoting and downvoting. I think the raw design of Sup Forums is much better for discussion

actually this is probably quite accurate.
>circlejerking three/four popular acts in the genre.
>anyone else posts anything, they are kicked out/banned/ridiculed.
>mostly talk about nonsense rather than actual music.
>all teenagers.
>all essentially tripfags

I was on reddit before Sup Forums. I got really sick of the rehashed epic comments and dumb pun trains. It was the same shit ever day and I don't think I ever had a real conversation with a real human being. They all sound like repetitive robots. I couldn't even tell you what year I came here, it's been a while

Of course the same shit exists here but not nearly as bad.

couldnt agree more. this is also my biggest problem with reddit. the whole karma system turns people into said robots where they automatically will rehash the same shit. any comment section is absolute cancer.

I mean theres a whole lot of 'cancer' here too but it's far more loveable and charming.

this. i want to see everyone's retarded opinions and decide which ones i like for myself

>Sup Forums
you sure about that

in one way, yeah for sure. like that one poster on here who every day posts

"does mu like death metal?" with the evanesence image.

that's more sad than charming

>I'm sure 99% of us have Reddit accounts.
The only reason you think this is to feel less bad about it when swarms of people tell you to go back. Which you should.

>not even joking
If you have to say it....

Reddit is for normie faggots mane

Want a fun time? Get into a super serious, no irony whatsoever argument with an /r/Eminem or /r/hiphopheads mod.