ITT: Post an album cover. Others guess the album

ITT: Post an album cover. Others guess the album

the devil and god are raging inside me

something The Cure ??


ACD - Overturned Car Winter

Chelsea Wolfe maybe?

crystal castles


something by jackie chan


xxxtentacion - 17

you got it!



Yoshiko Sai but I don't know the name of the album. great pick though





Just fucking listened to this Crystal Castles - II


great thread

To Be Kind?

Buyer's Market
Radiohead In Rainbows
Merzbow 1930
John Hopkins Immunity
Devin Townsend Ziltoid the Omniscient
Boris Hakuna Matata

Ashes 2 Ashes, Dust 2 Dust?


Boris hakuna matata



pink guy?


Nevermind by Nirvana

family guy - funniest moments

Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles II
That's not an album cover.
The Beatles - Abbey Road
Yoshiko Sai - Mangekio
Oneohtrix Point Never - Return
Rustie - Glass Swords
The Weepies - Say I Am You
Swans - Soundtracks For The Blind
Maki Asakawa - Maki Asakawa's World
LCD Soundsystem - American Dream
William Basinski - The Desintegration Loops
Grimes - Art Angels

Filthy cheat

Hard mode

clap clap :3

Yoshiko Sai - Mangekyo
Great album

What kind of thread is this? Have you not a fleck of decency left in you? You should take a long, hard look at yourself.


Delta Heavy - Paradise Lost



released last year

no man's sky

This is an album by The Black Keys. - The name of this album is Brothers.





Jethro Tull - Late Extra



I cheated to look it up and holy shit im glad i did this is really good man

- _ -

Suprised this thread is still up. We are truly a dead board

Black Rob - Life Story

DANG Lil Lamer

YG - Still Brazy


Amnesty I

Easy as hell. Snowing - Fuck Your Emotional Bullshit

this is the worst thread in the history of this board

fuck off with your ironic humor elsewhere, preferably to the afterlife

Little Empathy Neutral Net
Lethal Grab

Not giving you that precious (You) but yeah this thread is the most autistic thing ive seen all week




Why, do you cling onto your inane board culture that applauds posting album covers with no words on them without the name of the artist or album because you are a pretentious shitbag?


Are you really too retarded to use reverse image searching or to read the fucking thread to find the album and artist name? Fuck off newfag.

So, you are too pretentious to post a thread with the name in the subject, gotcha.


ag is shit


go away n*wfig :^)


is this the white stripes


That Mr. Oizo album. I'm not googling the name because that's cheating.



Thievery Corporation

Is this a thinly veiled recomendation thread?