Post album covers you wish were albums

Post album covers you wish were albums.

Other urls found in this thread:







>posting some dumb pepe edit instead of the beast himself





Chinese Aesthetics are so much better than shitty Japowave aesthetics




Always thought this drawing looked like it could be a cover to some fun pop album


I'd probably be deaf after listening to it but hell yeah

kek. seen that around a lot

what's the significance of the fridge to sunn o?

the droning motor that kicks on and off periodically...?

this post makes me sad. where did the years go guys?




This desu

You know you guys could always make these albums instead of just posting the covers

but that takes effort

I could totally seeing these being a Mogwai album cover.

Joy Division "Transmission 2018"


i do like how in romania, this is normal and ok

Bad Taxidermy is always great.

Fuck it, it's better than shitposting

soundcloud sad rap
existentially depressing techno/dub
idk what this would be but its a great image

You can bet andrew huang is going to take this

this looks a bit like the gas station in fallout 4

hooker with a penis

I wonder if the pig belongs to the cab driver, or the passenger? either way the story behind this image would win the sundance film festival any year

i thought the same.

i assumed passenger.





i'm looking for a cover for my new lo fi hip hop album, would you guys post a few to help me?


Do you know who drew that picture? I think it looks really good.

Beverly Jarosz.
Dark stuff, man...

Here's mine:

"In at One Ear & Out at the Other"

Would buy and listen to this album if only for the 3-D Daria cover.


I busted out my old red & blue 3-D glasses and that shit didn't work, so nah.

Ooooh. That's a good one.


Daft Punk
"To the Batwing!"

Looks like the guy who did Scott Pilgram



Yeah, a sad but innocuous picture with a horrible background. TRVE KVLT.

Great album cover, though.
I can totally see that being used by somebody like Cracker (unironically) or Jandek (even though it's not one of his bad polaroids).

Did you try red and GREEN 3-D glasses?

Schrödingers Depth Perception

looks like vaporvawe



I remember this from another thread and I'll just always associate it as the "math rock album cover"

Someone make this one.

This ain't half bad.

I already have a few songs planned out, one of which is a cover of "L.M.L.Y.P." with new lyrics.

Yeah, Bryan Lee O'Malley
Characters are from a new book he's been working on, supposed to come out sometime this year



Alas, I don't have those.
Or green cellophane to compensate.
I thought the traditional blue/red ones would work. I guess if the green ones were included with the limited edition vinyl I might check out Daria's album...

How to catch a lion in a cage.
At every instant there is a non-zero-probability that there is a lion in the cage. Sit and wait.

too spoopy for me

Holy shit, that looks like a Camper Van Beethoven album!


Thomas' 1st Foray into Anal: Caboose's Revenge.

that screams late 90's K-Tel compilation album to me


new version of "Ice, Ice Baby"?

Which album? I'm interested.


was thinking climbing up the walls as a single

No album in particular...
It just seemed like some kind of title that they'd come up with.
With stuff in the past like, "Telephone Free Landslide Victory", "Camper Van Beethoven is Dead, Long Live Camper Van Beethoven", "Popular Songs of Great Enduring Strength & Beauty" & "Camper Van Chadbourne", it isn't a far stretch when somebody randomly comes up with a title of "Frivolous work of polished idleness" and the cover image is Swedish Volvo that my crazy mind would think of CVB. Also, Nagravision. I don't even know what that is.

Nice to know there are still folks out there who are into CVB.



That's what's so cool about music, though. Making connections with words, styles, pictures, all that jazz. It's art in a moving sense. It's how people can take these fake images and connect them to music at all.



It's like William Burroughs' cut-up method, or the French and their Exquisite Corpse language collage technique. That stuff fascinates me in that through language I've got these mental connections between thoughts and ideas with no real tangible reason whatsoever BUT THEY'RE THERE.
>try that on YouTube

And seemingly random... but there's always some kind of thread sneakily snaking its way through. Oh God, I can hear Alan Moore now, spouting off...

would you lads listen to Mayors of Mobile - The Judgement of Inferior Courts?


this one's really nice actually

Man, for a few years I've been rather lacking in music listening/singing/production. All this is making me feel inspired. 2018 will be the year for sure I get back into all of it. Thank you user!


Britsh pop with Americana folk inspirations

Don't know what I did, but glad to help in any way creative. I think I'm in the same boat as you, creative-wise... in a bit of the doldrums. My plan is to take it back to basics with my stupid home-made jewel-box guitar-thingy and just create melodies and write them down and THEN do some production.

God-Speed, My Friend.



can you give the original picture link? please
i actually like the pic

Australian Dance Punk
