Crystal Castles

I'm surprised I haven't seen anything about this considering how recent this is but what are your thoughts on the Crystal Castle allegations?

Ethan Kath is clearly responsible for a lot of what Crystal Castles is; he does all the composition and sound design then palms it off to Alice Glass (original vocalist, later replaced by Edith Frances) who is free to write and sing whatever she wants over it. This has been confirmed by them both.
Ethan literally pulled Alice off the street at age 15 (he was 25) because he saw her performing for a non-name crust band and knew she was what he needed.

They then made their debut in 2008 and took off as one of the most innovative bands of that period. It was always clear Crystal Castles was Ethan, and that Alice was replaceable, as he was responsible for most of the composition/production. So it would make sense that as she became harder to work with (going harder on drugs, alcohol, and radical feminism) for him to drop her and replace her with new vocalist Edith Frances, where they continue to put out the same style of music under the same name.

The problem comes where Alice (now jobless) decides to kick-start a solo career. Her sound is very typical of most modern pop (reinforcing the sound of Crystal Castles comes from Ethan). However, soon after this, she posts this statement:

It basically labels Ethan as a rapist, saying he both mentally and physically abused her. Even saying that if she doesn't have sex with him he would kick her out of the band. Ethan is now under investigation for sexual abuse and is simultaneously attempting to sue for defamation.

Everywhere I try to get information or opinions about this everyone just straight-up refers to Ethan as a rapist and the mere idea that she's faking it for publicity (for her solo album) is completely disregarded or berated.

Do any of you have thoughts or possibly even evidence for either case?

Other urls found in this thread:

There were posts when it happened. The allegations are real I think.

k first of all her band isn't non named, they were called fetus fatale, she wasn't homeless and they both clearly did a lot of drugs. also she started her solo career like over 2 years before she made that statement. wither he raped her or not, i have no idea

Sorry to hijack, but this just makes me think about Jesse Lacey and how completely unsubstatiated claims destroyed his reputation. One girl was sixteen, and the alleged fifteen year old has had all her statements challenged here:

Oh I know the allegations are real but it doesn't mean they're true. That's what i'm asking about.

My bad i meant no-name not non-named. Like as far as i'm aware they didn't really get anywhere.


This is kinda what i'm concerned about. In interviews Ethan seems like a pretty chill guy, even sounds like he pulled some pretty big favors for Alice back in the day. It sickens me how often I see false allegations made against someone to destroy their career and they totally get away with it. I guess I just wanna know for sure it's not happening again to a person undeserving of it.

See this is the thing. If you don't like getting fingerblasted while crowd-surfing how many times does it have to happen until you go "maybe I should stop crowd-surfing?

You can't really know if they're false. But think of it from her perspective. It makes her look so pathetic and unattractive to have endured the abuse for so long, to come out with the allegations would have been a no win. Every time you think of her you think she's been raped. To think she'd do it to market her record...

I'm not quite sure what you're getting at. She's become something of a feminist icon and to them speaking out about abuse, especially rape, is considered very brave. It's considered brave to the point where people have made these allegations just to appear brave (or for financial benefit) even if these allegations aren't true or can't be proven. Also a lot of the lyrical content on her most recent stuff clearly intends to rely on these allegations being true, so that she can be seen as rising above what's supposedly happened in the past. When you consider her target audience as well (teenagers, particularly feminists) than the idea of her marketing her music that way is plausible. Yes it'd be scummy as hell if that's what she's doing but it's been done before.

Who did it?

Alice glass is so fucking hot


she’s so hot she makes me want to kill my self just knowing I’ll never date a girl that looks like her and only date fat/ weird looking girls from tinder

Look at how fucking perfectly thicc she is

is this an anime?

Don't remember seeing it happen in the music industry specifically but one of the biggest cases in recent memory are the 19 women who accused Donald Trump of rape. Sup Forums often posts articles about cases of this happening to everyday people, I could post articles but i'm sure they won't have the same impact as if it were to happen to a celebrity. Another thing that seems suspicious is the many that spoke out about Weinstein years after they were abused. To regular folk it seems like a brave thing to do to come out about it now but the way i see it is that they were probably asked for sexual favors, agreed to it, and it was just a favor until they realized they could further benefit off it (by sueing, or for recognition). You can't tell me they didn't know what they were doing or didn't agree to it at the time. I don't mean to downplay rape but if you weren't in the worst living conditions ever what's stopping you from speaking out immediately? If someone steals your car or murders your child would you wait years before reporting it?

Of course it's not healthy to view every rape case this way but when it comes to Alice Glass something is just really off here. And what's really getting to me is the "guilty until proven innocent" mentality everyone seems to have towards Ethan.

Fuck dude I only just started listening to the music coz I liked it and it was relevant to the stuff i'm working on now, and of course there's a whole rape/abuse/defamation case between them. Just want to get the run-down, apparently you have to be cautious about who you site as influences these days.


Jupiter Keyes is manipulating her and using his influence over her to defame Ethan and get Alice publicity so that her solo music has a fighting chance of even NEARLY being recognised in the ocean of female solo artists while having barely half the quality of CC

At a hunch false allegations would be way more rare than real ones. You won't get that idea from Sup Forums. The problem with Sup Forums and women hate threads on /r9k is they post exceptional cases. And you can forget there's 7 billion people on the planet and seeing 5 pics of false allegations on Sup Forums doesn't equate to a trend or an avalanche of evil women. They were chosen to post here, not the millions of cases of rape that weren't, and probably over a billion cases that weren't reported. I'd believe Alice over that guy.

I understand that. It's a pretty small ratio, 1.5% of rape allegations are false. I'm just saying it is still a possibility, and Alice seems like one of the few people immoral enough to be willing to do that. This dude's life could potentially be ruined for no reason so until it's been established that he is a sex offender than the idea of false allegations should still be considered a possibility.

Yeah see this makes a lot of sense to me which is why it feels so fishy. I don't want to say I hope Alice is right, coz obviously any form of abuse is no good, but it would just piss me off so much if she's lying and an innocent struggling artist is being labeled a rapist (which is currently happening even within the fan base despite the lack of evidence).

According to Alice's allegation, Ethan would provide her drugs (when she was in high school), and mostly stay sober himself. Pretty fucked I think.