Solid 7/10 album

solid 7/10 album

stop spamming your shitty bandcampient album


would like more if either a few tracks longer or cut the last track

Two sets of trips confirm.
Check and mate.

that's a lot of 7's and 4's. i bump my own thread again, which is your favorite song?

ho do i kill myself best as sacrifice to her?

Good Lord what I wouldn't do to impregnate her.

she is wife back off

You're about to get cucked very soon, my friend.

she is mine and it has anal for not baby, and today i will murder myself for her life with blade or bullet because she was satan's hooker

8/10 actually

Good lord I'm craving the insides of her tight and wet little pussy encapsulating my fully erect monster cock. Fuck. What's her number?

Does is kill yourself if its 7 or 8 or 9 or 6

get joey diabetus tour out of here

>female artist is on her album cover


Cant feel fingees got almodt no bllood farewll

Odds are better someone will discover your music after you're dead. This album wasn't as bad as it was made out to be.

Must be dead by now, good riddance from the board. Now I will fuck your wife!

Good Lord this woman needs to star in a porno. Her curves are gorgeous.