Why do we enjoy music more while we are high?

why do we enjoy music more while we are high?

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drug make feel good

I wish Adult Swim would just make an entire series based off these great music visuals they make.

I know that with marijuana there's a reaction with your brain and the THC that causes you to believe that the thoughts going through your head have that "mind-blowing" factor, which is why stoned people tend to say obvious shit as though it's new information

I find I can notice details a lot easier when I'm back that I wouldn't sober. Also music just seems to last longer too.

They did. It's called Off The Air

Well, you're high. I don't know about all the chemistry that goes into it, but I'm aware that THC and other chemicals in the marijuana goes into receptors and your brain and basically functions as a key to a lock, opening them up and causing them to produce more dopamine and whatever else marijuana causes. So you're going to be feeling good already. Food is better, your senses are heightened and you're more sensitive to the information your senses are receiving. This would include audio information. In this state, you can also easily "get lost" in something and pretty much give your full attention to a song. I've noticed when I got high that subconscious things would be brought to the forefront, and in the same way, things in music that we noticed subconsciously were now more apparent. We could now hear the little details. The flipside of this, is bad music is incredibly bad when you're high. Being high and having to listen to shit music is the worst.
Tl;dr: weed makes us feel good so music is even better.

you enjoy everything more when you're high

I dont like music when im high
Almost every other drug makes music better but not weed

this, never understood why.

i really only listen to trap when i'm high desu

Being stoned turned Mr. Bungle into an enjoyably weird experience

I had tried earlier to listen to it sober and i just couldn't

I have never experienced this.

I think we should start saying music that we didn't understand/enjoy until experiencing it intoxicated.

I heard this album on acid. When I'd heard it sober, the extreme shifts in style and volume turned me off and the larger-than-life production made me shut down. When I heard it on acid, I was able to go with every beat of the music and understand there was a flow and a reason to how unpleasant some of it was and I loved the arrangements

dude weed elmo

Well, I for one can testify that functional stoners just tend to be more receptive to different information, rather than thinking of everything as 'mind-blowing.'

I wouldn't know. Never got high.

music is a sensual experience, drugs are a sensual experience, put them together and they amplify each other

now give us an example of an experience that's not sensual

doing your taxes

but i'm yet to find one like

get rolling then

I got into techno and house because mdma. Started digging more the genres