From "WEWWWEWWWEWEWWWW, WOOOOOWEWWWEWWW" to "Lexus Mercedes-Benz GTA 5 Mission Passed Fanfare."

From "WEWWWEWWWEWEWWWW, WOOOOOWEWWWEWWW" to "Lexus Mercedes-Benz GTA 5 Mission Passed Fanfare."

Is there a better album than this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>millenial humor

Millenial? This is Sup Forums humor at its finest!

Bumping, cause this is a good thread.

Okay, once more, with feeling.

weezer - raditude

I don't speak autismo so I have no idea what you said.

I was talking about the ending of Optimistic, where all the instruments explode into this epic melody, and then calm down to play this luxury-like jazz song.



OK Computer

Lil' Peep's debut
Any Lil' Xan song


I remember when this album first came out. Weeks before, there was a leak and some demos were released along with some amnesiac material. After OK Computer, this was such an incredible album to experience. I was following Radiohead on forums and the such and noticed a decline in Thom's mental health during this time and knew whatever would be released would include the earlier demo live stuff going on (I even mixed a double live album of live shows from this time) and said demos. What I experienced in this of course was lost in time. I do not understand what others find so great about this just coming into this type of music though.. there are so many amazing albums out there. For a Radiohead album, this was such a huge evolution in creativity and their control over the music. It is a great album all by itself. Other good albums that have this sort of impact? Some of them have been forgotten.

Aerogramme - Sleep and release
Bjork - Vespertine
Blur - Blur
Gazpacho - Tick Tock
Green Carnation - The Acoustic Verses
Ihsahn - After
Liars - Drums Not Dead
Liars - WIXIW
Marillion - Afraid of Sunlight
Matthew Good - Avalanche
Meshuggah - ObZen
Neurosis - Through Silver in Blood
Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero
Oceansize - Frames
Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
Rush - Vapor Trails
Sigur Ros - ( )
The Church - Forget Yourself
The Church - Priest = Aura
The Dears - Missiles
Ulver - Blood Inside
Unkle - Never Never Land
Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

There are so many incredible experimental albums at these turning points in the bands creative history.

Beautiful post, user.

One more bump

>Ihsahn - After
This has to be my favorite "Avant-Garde" Black Metal album of all time, that fucking saxophone is unforgettable.

Might check that out...


It's voe.

One more time...

I just wanna thank you for posting this i had been looking for abstract metal shit like this for a while

check this out


>mfw I don't understand this OP at all and i love kid A


