There is absolutely no reason for you to remain a virgin. There are more women available than there are men

There is absolutely no reason for you to remain a virgin. There are more women available than there are men.

the surplus is all over 80yo though

all these 70yo russian babuskas

but i want to become a wizard

And there's probably a deficit in younger generations when you consider the majority of immigrants are male.

>more males than females

damn, no wonder gf's are hard to find

The reason is quite simple actually, when you're good looking you can choose from any girls, when you're ugly no girl will ever look at you. It's really that simple, it's called biology.

Men die off sooner, which leaves a lot of old women.
Women don't care much about looks. Notice how they like jerks.

Average females want chad material.
So chad gets two girls instead of one.

your father got laid, so did your grandfather, his father... No excuses

Of course he they got laid. Traditional costumes were the best. People would be never be arrogant.
There was no internet. Nowadays everyone needs to have a certain high status so that the girls don't get bullied by others.

I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.

Pretty much. Today it's not enough to provide for the family. You've got to have a high-paying job, social status, good looks, height, smarts... it's literally impossible, physically, for a majority of people. Unless of course you want to be in a relationship with someone who you're not attracted to. And I don't see a point in that either.

AND some of the brothers of my father and ancestors died out because they got the wrong gene expression

There are trillions of Euros in Europe, there is absolutely no reason for you to remain poor.


>There is something odd going on with the ratio between boys and girls in Sweden. The latest estimates suggest there are 123 boys for every 100 girls among 16 and 17-year-olds. That’s an even greater imbalance than in the same age group in China.

t. ugly fucks
thank god i'm beautiful

>everybody is nobody
but nobody is somebody.
this. It's not that hard to get a job

>Implies himself that he is beautiful
>is shitposting on Sup Forums on a Saturday

I'm not talking about 1200€/mo

thats why you are working on becoming even bigger faggots

Look at male to female ratio between ages 16-65 and you'll find there are more men than women. If you narrow it down to lets say 16-30 there are ALOT more men than women, especially in countries plagued by immigration (such as Germany and Sweden) since 90 % of immishits are men.

Sweden has a more fucked up gender ratio than China among teens, because of rapefugees. (1.22 men per 1 woman).

it's 1pm here what fuck do you expect me to do at this hour, quasimodo

thank goodness for slags

Yeah, keep priding yourself and shaming others over something none of us had a say in nor power to choose what we're gonna be born like. You're what's wrong with humanity you dumb, shallow, superficial piece of shit.

Yeah, let's go smash some octogenarian pussy, I love dem GGILF meat flappers

depends from which countries point of view you look at it

eventually it will reach a point where the middle east is just all women after men have left or killed each other

She's trashy and yet so hot...

Thats when we go to their countries and impregnate all their women.

Also this.

Is this going to cause young men to become ultra violent since their only choice is to become a cuckold and die alone or murder their nigger competitors?