Black guy AMA

I'm a black guy AMA.

are you black?

Are you African American?

are you a guy?

una vela

Are you a black guy?


are you absolutely certain?

Just an American.

Is the cop meme real? Like getting your car stopped just because you are black


I have a fancy dinner in 6 hours
should I keep it together or go to a friend's house smoke a fat joint and have sex with her thus arriving high and tired to the dinner?

Are you sure you are a black guy? I mean, have you maybe tried scrubbing extra hard? might just be dirty.

Can you fuck my wife?
Do you have a massive dick?

do you happen to be an afro american?

Neither, stay at home and play videogames instead.

So what is like to be monkey blek man?

i haven't bought nor played any videogames for the last 4 years.


Damn. Sorry if you ever had such experiences.

Too bad.

you are white

how black are you?

Black enough

pls fuck my wife

Prove it

Which presidential candidate did you support in 2016? Also which state are you from?

None, PA

Do you live in a majority black area?

Are you a nigger?

Why didn't you vote for based Bernie?

do you love turey?

Do you know Obama and Laurence Fishburne?

I'm a black girl AMA

Do you know Jay-z?


What's it like?

Too lazy to vote.

will you be my gf


TImestamp or gtfo

do you have a big dick?

Are you slave or recent economic migrant from africa?

Also wtf is up with captcha nowadays, it's gone fully retarded

Where the fuck is my bicycle?

>Also wtf is up with captcha nowadays, it's gone fully retarded
Fucking this, man. The ones where you have to keep clicking new shit were already bad enough, and now they're slow as fuck to load the new ones.

Do you like rap and hip hop

Why do blacks steal history? Plus why do blacks lie about their pathetic history???

Use legacy captcha.

have you ever watched or intend to watch our sport

do you have a big dick daddy :3

I've seen people mention this but how do you do that? I don't see the option anywhere.

Quotes & Replying

>lie about our pathetic history
you just answered your own question, leaf

Do you think that you are cool?
it seems that every black person thinks that he is cool

>autism, the post

I thought despacito was biebers song??

Tell me something that I don't know

>no answer
Ok it seems that I know absolutely everything

Is anybody there?

Do black people secretly listen to white musicians?