"Negative correlation between salivary testosterone concentration and preference for sophisticated music in males." Posting PDF link for the whole study here for those that don't have a college account, get in here!!EktAmJwQ!f8gG1cwMz_YBoWzuRGb9EdrQW91eO09sCToJphsFKDA

The TL;DR of the study for those too lazy is: is if you listen to "sophisticated" pretentious music (classical, jazz, avant garde, and their similar ilk like Radiohead, Beatles, Captain Beefheart, etc. in popular music) you're essentially confirmed to be a low test soyboy.

so I should listen to popculti trash instead? I think I'll cope without those extra drops of test thanks

kill yourself my man

>so I should listen to popculti trash instead?
There's so much interesting music that isn't pretentious muh sophisticated trash out there though. A lot of electronic music, punk, metal, hip hop, etc. Though not the entirety of those genres. Hell, not even all Billboard shit would even count necessarily.

estrogen is clearly the superior hormonal high you plen

Fucking based OP. Read this the other day.
>inb4 a deeply upset leftist comes ITT and says "correlation doesn't equal c-causation!!" with tears in his eyes
Fuck all the way off. Correlation and causation aren't formally linked in A-B logic, yes. But to deny a shift this big is laughable. You can make any argument look bad by claiming the data doesn't support the conclusion. It's what you do when you have no argument.

EXACTLY! This isn't just a minor correlation. If you go through the study you'll note that they study with other types of music as well. But the STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT result happened with pretentious sophisticated trash.

>be Sup Forumstard
>pride yourself on listening to only superior white classical music
>hate so-called soyboys
>be soy all along
the ironing of life

ok ?

This makes sense. That's why Oasis fans are all braindead testerone-fueled football hooligans who love fucking ugly chav girls, drinking, and fighting.

yeah, that explains why so many females listen to jazz and classical whereas males listen to top 40 pop music

oh wait...

>didn't read the study
Dude, I posted even the full link to the study. Leftists soyers like you like to conveniently ignore the facts. It has female stats, too, and the results are the same as well relative to the male ones.

reading is for soyboys

Imagine having so little going for you in life that the only thing you have to be proud of is testosterone concentration.

Nope. Being chad male high test doesn't equate to being too dumb to read.

Stop feeling bad about being white.

imagine being white
literally the soyboy of human races

They never listen to classical (or folk) music, it's just a meme for them. They listen to shitty vaporwave, joji songs and turbofolk

>le wacky non sequitur

soyboy master race
now that we can just inject ourselves with test you have no advantage. look at jeff bezos
why respect knights? my potions can do anything you can

If youve seen a music thread on Sup Forums you'll know its exclusively filled with metal and classical.

Spoken like a true soyboy

Even funnier, most of them aren't white, either.

Now the question we need to ask is
>Did they become soyboys before or after the music?

>doesn't know the negative effects of having to inject testosterone
Enjoy the bitch tits, my man.

Fucking lol. I have never seen a Sup Forums music thread like that and I've seen about fifty of them. It's full of Sabaton, neofolk, marching songs and shitty midi versions of Horst Wessel Lied with a few bits of entry tier pleb classical (mainly video game stuff) at the most

>the higher the testosterone the worse your music taste is

Why do all women have terrible taste then?

this. also higher rate of committing crimes (probably, idk look it up)

because they are not men

Nah, it's the other way around. In normal circumstances there's no real thing as good taste and bad taste in music. BUT, testosterone is very important to life, it is how you can find the energy and ability to achieve the good things in life. Anything that's associated with low amounts of testosterone is thus automatically the actually bad music as a result.


Where's the science for this, soyboy? This whole thread's based in research. Facts. But this is just your soyNEET ass saying random stuff. That being said I wouldn't be surprised because in such hostile areas, soyboys wouldn't survive for one minute.

>men with less testosterone have better taste
isn't that the opposite of them being btfo?

Ol' Blue Eyes was Chad af tho

Rap is is high-t music yet everyone who listens to it looks like this

He old as shit though.

They only got to listen to 15 seconds from each composition, that's clearly not enough time to form a genuine opinion about a much longer piece of music. This doesn't really have much to do with actual music taste, what it really proves is avant-teen pseuds are the biggest soyboys

>People with high testosterone level, especially males, are well established as exhibiting high dominance motivation (Mazur & Booth, 1998, 2014; van Honk, Bos, & Terburg, 2014) and antisocial or rebellious behavior (Yildirim & Derksen, 2012), such as rule violation (Dabbs et al., 1991; Dabbs et al., 1995). As noted above, the young generation tended to think that the purpose of listening to classical music is to please authoritative figures (North et al., 2000), which is in sheer contrast to rebellious attitude. Likewise, Mulder et al. (2010) have shown negative linkage between preference for sophisticated music and antisocial behavior of substance use in adolescents.

I can imagine that being true, but there IS good a bad music. I'd imagine that people with high testosterone use music to achieve the "testosterone goals" (which is like you said "ability to achieve good things in life"). What kind of music do you think this is? Top 40 gym trash.

What if you like sophisticated music and simple music? Does that mean you have average test levels?

Alright this made me kek

what if I love oasis and I also love s/avant/ wankery

>conveniently misses high dominance motivation
Low tests like you really try to miss the point.

Here's a bit from the study cited in that bit you mentioned:

>resulting in a strong reward motivation, low social sensitivity, and dampened regulation of strong motivational/emotional processes
What they are saying is that high test trve males are highly motivated towards getting shit done, they aren't pussies that complain about every little thing, and thus don't get overly emotional about things so shit can get done.

Top 40 gym trash isn't really that motivating, which is why if your fat ugly soy ass went to the gym, you would know most people put on their own music. The truly motivated, like some people on /fit/ and me/my peeps, seem to really bump hip hop bangers, metal, punk, and certain electronic music. All of which can definitely be engaging without relying on muh sophisticated pretension.

then you've dodged one form of tribalism. see if you can dodge them all!

I love how everyone is taking this super seriously yet even the study clearly says, "One important limitation of the present study is that we recruited only Japanese university or vocational school students"

How exactly can this study apply to everyone to most people if it was only performed on Japanese students?

>tfw I listen to dumb retard hardcore

Am I high test?

i fucked up the "most people" bit, my b. also if the only thing in your life you have to be proud of is your testosterone levels, you are in fact a waste of space.

>*listens to the first 15 seconds*
>dude this is boring, I can't dance or work out to THIS, put on some BANGER
>*starts doing pushups*

they are devo