Is there anything else other than Pinkerton that is worth a listen from these guys

Is there anything else other than Pinkerton that is worth a listen from these guys

island in the sun was an ok track

Memories was catchy


side 1 of green
maladroit album
pardon me
thought I knew
cold dark world
the angel and the one
hang on
back to the shack
eulogy for a rock band
I've had it up to here
white album

Blue album, Pinkerton, and the White Album are the best that Weezer has released.

basically this

Maladroits great if you ignore the singles

I fucking love all the albums, but I'm just a fan boy. The new album has some good songs in there.


purple album.

Blue album, White album, EWBAITE
Green and Maladroit are shit


my 5th favorite weezer album is greenal bum

the general consensus is that blue, pinkerton, everything will be alright in the end, and white are the best weezer albums
i think maladroit has some pretty good tracks on it
green is pretty generic pop
make believe would be alright in my book if it weren't for that god awful beverly hills track
i haven't listened to hurley or ratitude but i've heard they're pretty bad

Most of Green Album is actually pretty good like Hash Pipe and Island in the Sun.
White Album is very good
EWBAITE is very good

hurley is ok. some good tracks. raditude is god awful

Anyone who says The White Album is good is lying. There are only two good songs on it.

just curious, what are the ones you think are good? personally i like all of them except maybe jacked up.

How the fuck has no one said Songs from the black hole?

Also White, Maladroit, island in the sun, the singles from red and there's a few tracks on EWABITE you might like. Also look for leaked demos and such, blue/pinkerton/white b sides and Rivers home demos

you have to go back [there]

i was thinking about the actual existing albums but user is right. aside from a few of the songs, songs from the black hole went mostly incomplete, but they have some of weezer's best tracks on there like you won't get with me tonight

Do You Wanna Get High? and LA Girlz.

that's fair, LA Girlz is a really good song but i think King of the World and Summer Elaine & Drunk Dori are near that level too.

Slave is one particular good track on there.