good albums you can't discuss on Sup Forums without unleashing hordes of autism

All 4 fit the bill, and yet only 3 are good.

1 of these is great while the rest are meh-bad


only the top 2 are good

art angels is so bad i couldn't even get through the first few tracks
tame impala sucks but i didnt listen to currents
other two i've never heard and probably never will

they're all ok

Currents a masterpiece

so you never listen fully thru the albums??

You can't talk about any KGATLW albums without having any "DUDE SICK RIFFS LMAO" replies


haha a woman has a boyfriend so funneh

art angels?

that's not the joke, you retard. and don't act like you don't know what it is.


>posts the most respected Sup Forumscore album in a thread like this
dude what

just wait, its coming

it's been 45 minutes. well?

patience, they're coming


Overrated fucking garbage that will never make it to the national recording registry

yes it's respected on Sup Forums, THAT'S the autism

>the spiderland is such a revolutionary album jew

Buyer’s Market always kickstarts an unwarrented shitfest

At least for A Crow Looked At Me, I feel like some people just can't comprehend why someone might not like it. Any critique for the album only results in people saying you lack empathy or just "don't get it". While I understand that it's a sensitive album, and we all love Phil very much, it's not a perfect album and does have some serious faults.

Phil doesn't make perfect albums, he makes high quality real shit. Of course that's not for everyone and if you see people acting like it is then jeez.


that's a decent meme though


it's a shit joke

you know what's a shit joke? poop


>any criticism of trump is "Drumpf-tier"

I for one think this album is good. These guys totally CRUSHED it

Currents is objectively the worst tame impala album. Innerspeaker was absolutely dope idk what happened. Like he finally got the attention of girls and started making normie edm music


wow you bumped after 3 hours static. imagine that


continue my legacy my sons

listen to currents it's really good, don't listen to these fags

just really good sounding psych-pop

I only like Currents from that,I know it's not an excellent album,nowhere near it actually but I'm a fag for 80s synth pop/new wave/post punk so I love it

continue my legacy my sons


>tame impala sucks but i didnt listen to currents
So the truth finally comes out


nice hands

i like the direction he went on Currents more than Lonerism, it feels more like a structured idea, conceptually and sonically it's interesting and something we haven't really heard much of in this era

naybe if you fuckasses had good taste in the slightest discussion here would be a litttttle more interesting?

They're all pretty mediocre. I don't like Grimes or Tame Impala, but I see the appeal. The only reason they get backlash is because of morons like you that spam them


>Doesn't listen to the albums
>Still gives an opinon

While yes it may not be a conventional album and may have faults, it's also unlike anything I've ever sat through. That alone says something.

Whats the one on the bottom left?

Pure Comedy by Father John Misty

For real. I'm convinced everyone on this board that shits on grimes are just insecure bros that get queasy when they hear female vocals singing to upbeat rhythms, listened to maybe 1 minute of California before their insecurities kicked in and made them look around the room to see if anyone else heard them playing it.

this thread is about grimes

Now and forever.

Same for kero kero bonito

true, a crow looked at me fucking sucked. I mean I get the concept, but what reason would I have to listen to it more than once?


You must be new to not be annoyed by grimes being constantly spammed. This is coming from some one who used to be a die hard grimes fan about a year ago. It's obnoxious. Also imo California is her most annoying song by far because
in a not super pleasant voice.

like every day. ill get tonne of shit for this

its a good single wait until the videos out

get the stick out of your ass lad, have some fun once in awhile

I mean, I agree, I only mentioned that track because it's the first on Art Angels.

And I've been browsing Sup Forums maybe 4-5 months, but I knew Grimes long before then. Actually the grimes threads are part of what drew me here, lol.

Trust me I probably keep browsing this place long. Hopefully.

I probably won't keep**

Fuck i make way too many typos


True music lover

truuuuue i should know that. thank you user! :D will listen to now

>proving op's point

Yep. California is one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard