Thank you, america

Thank you, america.

das it mane

yes, it's very popular with teenage kids

>proceeds to post the worst flavor
Half&Half > lemon > watermelon > raspberry >kiwi > mango > green tea

Would buy/10
What did u mean by this?
Shut up pleb

Kiwi is the best flavour

it's the closest liquid phenomenon to ES that you will find in this country, all teenagers love the stuff, even I drank it as a lad with my cousins and friends my age

Those big cans are only 60 USD cents here btw
Make me

Thank you, Argentina

Disgusting drink

it's typical sugary libation you find at any convenience store, if you want something that isn't going to survive the shelves for eons then idk, make your own Swtichel

>punch, grape, and iced tea aren't even on the list

Green tea has nothing to do with Cherry Blossoms though. Why would the company print that on the can? What did they mean by this?

because it's A E S T H E T I C

I haven't seen punch and grape
Not sure if we have them

Green tea = asia
Asia ~ japan
Japan ~ cherry trees and chopsticks

it's nice to look at

Punch is good shit. Grape is mediocre.

I like the way you formatted this

Arizona its shit, it has high amounts of sugar, literally worst that soda
Water master race

It's $1/can at most places here, although I think you can buy them in bulk for closer to $0.70/can

don't you come from the country where all the water gives people violent bouts of diarrhea?

rate my meal

The day a can of Arizona ice tea becomes more expensive than $0.99 is the day the apocalypse comes


i hate that sugary piss. unsweetened Itoen is 1000x better

Ahh a fellow college student


Sweetened green tea?
And called Arizona?
What the hell?

Kek, thank you america for a plastic fake iced tea full of sugar?

Learn to real tea, fucking pleb.

It's not meant to be drunk like normal tea you faggot

What's that sea green tea called? I had it when I was in spore a few years ago and liked it a lot

I have tried that fucking piss liquid and it's just disgusting. Like all American-made food/drinks.

It's fucking Cancer, literally.

There's no need to insult what you can't afford

We don't have to afford anything from your plastic country, we have plenty of food and drinks here. You know, with our vast gastronomic culture.

You can just throw a fucking seed on the floor and it will auto-grow, literally.

Yea, I've heard severed limbs and human feces are pretty good fertilizer

Is arnold palmer well-known in other countries?