I dare you to name a more talentless overrated punk band than this...

I dare you to name a more talentless overrated punk band than this. Everything after Damaged is pretentious wannabe Black Sabbath dribble. Greg can barely play guitar, the drums are completely un-notable, and even though Henry's vocals are quite good, the lyrics are laughable.

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The appeal isn't musicality, it's raw expression.

You are a faggot.

Unless you are that jaded and angry you will not understand it. If you've never listened to scream or 3 nights and thought "wow this is exactly how I feeel on the inside." You should not be listening to heavy music.

The big open secret about Black Flag is that nobody actually likes Black Flag.

this is literally one of the few near perfect punk albums out there

>Greg can barely play guitar
he's a fucking genius you pleb. just because he's playing unusual notes doesn't mean he doesn't know exactly what he's doing. he was a visionary

Why is it popular to hate black flag nowadays? Or is it the same fag that makes these threads?

>he hasn't jumped on the soyboy train

>The appeal isn't musicality, it's raw expression
What the fuck does this mean? That's literally the most pathetic excuse for being talentless I've ever heard.

You clearly haven't listened to much punk music

Guarantee I've listened to more than you have, friendo

They have always been hated by people who aren't part of the hardcore punk scene. Their work has been pretty much universally panned by critics.

People who actually are in the hardcore scene like Black Flag, and high schoolers discovering punk for the first time pretend to like Black Flag

im sure you have bud


the sex pistols

True actually. But BF still sucks

he said punk bands not boy bands

looks like a numale

Blink-182, if you consider them punk.

>They have always been hated by people who aren't part of the hardcore punk scene. Their work has been pretty much universally panned by critics.

t. henry

Ramones, obviously.

Do you really dislike them because you think they're untalented or because they've become too "mainstream" for your liking. Obviously a special boy like you isn't allowed to like popular bands.

>doesn't know who the North Side Kings are

the hole keeps getting deeper

The Misfits, obviously.

Reminder that anyone who prefers Black Flag over Rollins Band is a soyboy fag with no taste in music

Are you actually this stupid?
What does talent have to do with music? Most music out there that people actually like involves very little "talent."

Look! I can play 4 chords! How fucking talented.

Fuck you. Music is about expression. If you don't understand how to express yourself through music then you don't have a reason to listen to music. Some people express themselves with amplifier feedback and atonality. Others express themselves with harmony. Others a mix of the two.

There is no such thing as "talent" there are people who practice and there are sounds that you like or dislike. Get over it you pathetic fucking person who thinks that music has to have some "technical standard."

>I dare you to name a more talentless overrated punk band than this
The Sex Pistols.


>invent the entire fucking genre

No, The Sex Pistols were actually capable of making hooks and hits. Black Flag is just a stream of mundane shit.

Dead Kennedys and Iggy would do just fine without your shitty fashion rock band.

Sex Pistols were actually put together by a record label to sell merch. They are the limp bizquik of punk music.

Okay, let's say we have a match. I accidentally drop the match unto the ground of your house, your house catches fire. The match is not a house fire, is it?
Hits, maybe, but they were corporate shills and hypocrites forged by execs to appeal to teens of the time. They're shit musically, but anarchy in the UK is bretty gud tho. Also fuck Sid Vicious.

stop shilling your black flag hate, you made a post saying the same shit yesterday. Nobody cares what you think user.

And rollins was a prep school fag given eternal legs up in the scene by mommy and daddy and morris favourite band was foreigner yet none of you tru punxxxcxxx fanboys seem to ever mention that

I love the Stooges but they started wearing makeup and high heels as soon as they got within an inch of Bowie. The other act is not worthy of comment

Lol, one of the only punk bands I kind of like. Besides some of the art shit, the best punk is when it's thrashy and approaches metal.

I'm not a punker du. I'm a doom metal faggot.

Why does it matter how they were formed, if they made some outstanding punk music, you fucking brainlet?

I'm more of a prog man myself, but even I can see that 90% of punk is trash and that the 10% who like it tend to have a non-discerning ear. That 10% is good shit though.

>outstanding punk music
OK, so we have anarchy in the uk and... what? What the fuck are you going to say? Half of their music sounds like a drugged-out leopard trying to bark at a log in a Louisiana swamp. God save the queen is OK at best, and everything else sounds like a ball caddy fondling an asthmatic, 15-year-old cat.

EMI, Liar, Pretty Vacant are great songs, the whole Never Mind the Bollocks album is great. One album is enough for a punk band, they’re not supposed to live for long.