When will you morons, especially the hip hop, metal and video game 'music' fans...

When will you morons, especially the hip hop, metal and video game 'music' fans, realize you are being KEKED and CASTRATED by popular music?

Go back to Sup Forums


Uhh, that's a pic of Theodor Adorno. Don't think he'd be on the same page as Sup Forums, lmao


Sup Forums usually isn’t the place that cares about pop music. Pretty sure they’ll be fine.

>it's a false flag to make classical fans look retarded episode

Never, they're cultureless consumerist sheep.

are you the retard from yesterday?

97% of the current threads up are about pop music.

Anyone that sincerely uses the word "keked" should not be taken seriously.

t. "cultured" consumerist sheep

>implying Adorno is wrong


t. Unironically watches PJW

>calls other castrated
>uses pic of weird manlet as justification

I know, I know! Rec me some good classical and folk music then!

Do you even know what pop music is?

who is this dude and what's his fucking problem?

Top 40?

There are a grand total of two (2) threads (including this one) currently up that are not about popular music.

>implying i'm not trying to learn production to get on the side of the jews

No. All your metal, harsh noise and neofolk records are also pop music. Knowing this, what do you think the term implies?

The Adorno pill is a tough one to swallow

>listen to pop music
>freak out and start getting upset
>girls think you're weird and don't talk to you because you get offended at random things constantly

well, some Sup Forums posters certainly are OP.

I don't think Sup Forums posters would take adorno seriously

I don't even buy it
at least learn what Adorno actually means, and how the product of pop music was manufactured as a consequence of replaced exchange value
Anyway, Adorno's critique loses its point in this century, for the contemporary capitalism begins to erode today in circumstances of digitalization of all and everything - a digital item can't posess replaced exchange value, because it's not a material thing per se, it only "exists" and acquires its materiality when it's sustained by a complex mechanical infrastructure of computerized society, which in the first place was brought about by a hundred-year intellectual effort of Western public universities and extensive public/governmental investments. This sphere of intellectual commons was privatized only much later in the 2000s - this is not a classic capitalist issue Adorno dealt with, but a completely new phenomenon of information and information society.

I'm saving this

a masterpiece of infographics
you should be invited to the School of Visual Arts


>same filename
gee I wonder