Is this one of the greatest albums of all times?

Is this one of the greatest albums of all times?



I don't know, what do YOU think about it?


7/10; i looked it up

strangeways is better

their debut is better, next

Yeah actually

i like hatful of hollow and the self titled album more

I think it is, but the smiths are a required taste.

the smiths are cool because their music is very casual and poppy but there are complex layers in the instrumentation and lyrics and vocals

>the smiths are cool because their music is very casual and poppy

Not really, their hits are, but most of their songs are pretty slow and dull



is some girls are bigger than others about fat chicks or big tits? never quite got it

Nah, it's probably their worst album. It has some of their best songs, but it's far too inconsistent to be considered a great album.

i never understood the disdain for Mr. Shankly, it's a good song

I've always thought about it as fat chicks

sure why not

I think people underrate it because it sounds kind of silly, in a playful kind of way

i guess people want to listen to this album to feel like shit only

Only if you are a basic white girl who goes on tumblr.

Shankly is pretty mediocre for me, but Never Had No One Ever and Vicar in a Tutu are the songs that really weigh the rest of the album down. Cemetry Gates and I Know It's Over don't do much for me either- I don't understand why the latter is almost universally considered one of their best songs.

Vicar in a Tutu is so fucking shit


It's about morrissey being a stupid faggot and ruining some of the best music marr ever made.

Real winner's choice is Troy Tate Sessions bootleg or self-titled album.
Every version of Reel Around the Fountain is great.

definitely has a best before date.
only teenage girls and slow 20-something boys seem to like it that never got to plough those teenage girls.

but to sum up: lmao no.


if you remove "some girls are bigger than others".
i hate that track, i don't know what the fuck they were thinking, honestly.

It's a masterpiece. Check out Simon Reynolds review on the 2017 Deluxe Edition


Never Had No One Ever is the only bad song on the album. Shankly is pretty good but not great. Vicar in a Tutu is top tier, especially the ending. And Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others has been pissing off fat chicks for three decades, which makes it essential.