Why are these 2 countries so irrelevant on Sup Forums ?

Why are these 2 countries so irrelevant on Sup Forums ?

Italy has 61 million people and Spain 47 millions, yet they don't a lot of threads. Even some unknown countries such as Finland, Croatia that we never heard something about them outside of Sup Forums see more threads about them.

the only spaniards on Sup Forums are gay valencians looking for furry communist twinks

the only spaniards on Sup Forums are gay valencians looking for furry communist twinks

I see many Italian and Spanish posters.


We lack second generation immigrants

i see barely italians they are so irrevelant.But spaniards are so revelant

we're too poor and brown for the internet

We don't have money for internet

Italians can't speaka english. I see spaniards often

the OP of the commy thread is/was a spaniard

Less fluent english speakers and affluent people

no you don't

We're here, but you can't see us. You just have to search for the right threads.

Follow the white rabbit...

No I don't

You might confuse the mexicans or Irish with the Italians

>the only spaniards on Sup Forums are gay valencians looking for furry communist twinks

How is Italy so populated

>tfw not a gay valencian looking for furry communist twinks

you take a siesta now and forget about this thread existence.

They have a lot of normies, that's why, Finland and Croatia are filled with respectively weirdos and broken people living in a shithole.

This desu
Spain is normalfag central, I wanna move to a more autistic place

Spaniards only hang out in their own /latino/ board and befriends only their old colonies.

>They have a lot of normies

Mi hermano

n-not t-true
m-mommy said I'm n-normal

don't know but I hate it

They can't speak English and like to keep to themselves.

feels bad man.jpg

Not many people know English, and we have few autists compared to the rest of Europe

Many Spaniards don't know English well, so they use Hispachan and Forocoches instead.

it is filled with south americans now,

>They can't speak English and like to keep to themselves.
it is good because we insult Germany and Merkel in our forums meanwhile you dont notice about that

Una mierda
que sudamericanos ni pollas

>que sudamericanos ni pollas
for example me

You two should go out for a drink :^)

But what's the point of insulting the krauts if they don't notice it?


hahahaha no >Forocoches and EOL are our main forums, some people go to Burbuja, Mediavida and Foroparalelo, and you can also go to Taringa and hispanic forums but they are full of spics claiming muhh gold raped women and shit like that

If english was the problem then italian chans would be full of people when they are actually deserted.
The real reason is Italy is normie country.

That's what I meant with "we have few autists". And the few autists we have, usually know English, thus coming to Sup Forums rather than to the shitty Italian chans

You'll probably be treated as a god if you go to taringa

Hello my fellow Iberian brothers

Dude there's like 50mil of us