Do you guys seriously like this fucking album...

Do you guys seriously like this fucking album? I've literally had it on CD since I was born (father loves industrial) and I wasn't aware it was popular on Sup Forums until recently. I don't know if it's because I've listened to it since I was a kid, but I always thought this album was fucking garbage


tell us more about father

>popular on Sup Forums
More like one of the most widely renowned and well-received rock albums ever. Don't blame us for living your life under a rock.

Lmao have you been here for like a week or two.

This album has always been talked about a LITTLE BIT along with other NIN shit but it's getting memeblasted the past 2 weeks by probably like, 1 or 2 people everyday.

It's not nearly as popular as they're memeing it out to be

if anything its more popular than what most people were giving it credit for on Sup Forums you dumbo

Listens to meme industrial like NIN and Marilyn Manson along with a lot of buttrock and grunge, nothing else really to tell
Literally the only thing popular I've seen about this album is the Rick and Morty shit using the worst song on the album

This is bait, right? Nine Inch Nails is a household name. They still play Closer on FM radio, for fuck's sake.

I'm not saying it's not a popular album.
I'm saying it's only recently being actually talked about on Sup Forums.

And it's probably all by one person.
Like the Curveposter or the Slintposter.

no one who watches rick and morty and/or young enough to have a dad who listens to NIN should be allowed to post here

>I'm saying it's only recently being actually talked about on Sup Forums.


>I'm saying it's only recently being actually talked about on Sup Forums.
So, you're basically admitting that I'm not the one who's new here.

Been here for 8 years and it's being posted about 5x as frequently as usual the past week.
Idk what's triggering such a defensive response to that lmao it's the truth, it doesn't mean it's good or bad.
But OP is making a statement that it's this mindblowing thing everyone is talking about when it's probably just one idiot who just heard it for the first time after how long and is now spamposting it like half the other shit on here.


I always thought of it as his peak pleb phase desu

Hurt was loads better than Closer

The Downward Spiral is amazingly crafted album from beginning to end and deserves all its praise.

But I like new Nine Inch Nail's material more, it seems to be much more dynamic and mature and I relate to it more, stuff like Hesitation Marks and such.

It's a great album but it's frustrating.

On one hand it was innovative. It was one of those "I didn't realize how much I'd wanted to hear this until I heard it" moments. We wanted this music for ages before someone finally produced it.

But on the other hand...

On the other hand the lyrics are pretentious twaddle that make me ashamed for ever having learned any of them.

So. There's that.

And it's a bit dated now.

But it was a time and place thing.

>worst song
ok bud

This is how actual reddit spacing looks like, dude what the fuck, stop it.

Anyway, the lyrics are not pretentious, they're definetelly juvenile in most cases, but I think they are raw and work most of the time, lyrics for stuff like The Becoming and Reptilie are defenitive highlights, meanwhile you have stuff like I Do Not Want This or Big Man With A Gun which leave really go down in quality, but I think they are perfect for the album's subject manner.

some of the best production values of any album I've ever heard, only soyboy redditors who can't handle songs about cumming on people hate on NIN

Trent has always been a GOAT producer and shit-tier lyricist (with the exception of The Slip, underrated desu)

Pitchfork did a liner note episode on it a week ago.

Its weird because I had listened to it multiple times last week. I have no clue what compelled me to do so.

The Slip has pretty amazing lyrics, which is fucking odd since they were some of the lyrics he must have writen down the fastest.

I think Broken also had pretty decent lyrics, same for Year Zero and the current EPs

Still one of the best.

OP is an underage faggot.

Are you implying this shit is anti-soy or something? I literally liked this album more when I was like ten than I do now. Listen to something like Genocide Organ or Sutcliffe Jugend and then try again

Do any of those bands have amazing production and complexity of the TDS or is it just edgier?

>Still trying to meme this album
Honestly, how many times are you going to shitpost this? Seriously OP, respond, don't be a Gen Z shitter faggot.

I thought it was alright. Not bad, perfectly listenable, but not great either. Then again, I'm not really an industrial music fan

Because as we know, production and complexity are what make industrial music unique.
As someone coming mainly from black/death metal, the production of power electronics blows this watered-down bullshit out of the water.
And what complexity? Every song is basic as fuck. How short does your attention span have to be to think that this shit's impressive?
Literally my first time posting about this album anywhere in my life, and it's not a shitpost, I'm legitimately asking why it's gotten such a spike in popularity recently. I haven't seen this crap posted at all in the four or so years I've been on this shit board until now, and every day I come on here I see several references to it

no im implying only soyboys shit talk classics, and I don't care about your edgelord nigger-tier industrial recommendations.

What are you 12?

It's an extremely popular album. Nine Inch Nails is The Beatles of industrial in terms of popularity.

>both Genocide Organ and Sutcliffe Jugend are older than NIN and hailed as creators of several industrial subgenres
>calls these two artists with more "classic" cred than NIN nigger-tier
>"only soyboys shit talk classics"
good job, you inbred

>conflating industrial with power electronics

Can't stand it sorry

>I'm legitimately asking why it's gotten such a spike in popularity recently
Because someone is shitposting it as a way to make everyone hate it. Oh and uh, it's not objectively terrible, you just don't like it. Woah man, shocking. Also the fact that you like real lol s0 harsh industrial and PE doesn't make your """argument""" right.

Power electronics is an industrial subgenre, and one of those bands is death industrial. If an album is a classic in a subgenre, is it not a classic in the genre as a whole?
Plus, you have to consider that at the time there wasn't really power electronics, because they essentially started the movement. Maybe by today's standards it's not "industrial," but there's no way that early power electronics bands had no influence on the industrial scene


>I always THOUGHT this album was fucking garbage
Never claimed it was objectively terrible, I said I didn't like it and I thought it was basic, ya goofus