The neighbor just wants to fuck Reznor's wife like an animal, just like everyone else

The neighbor just wants to fuck Reznor's wife like an animal, just like everyone else

pummel him until he's twitching and aspirating blood, you're rich enough Trent, and the muh family excuse will fly! just do it!


kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill

>inb4 the EP3 will be delayed because Tront will have to deal with this bullshit for a month

omw to LA right now to fight for tront

This geezer sounds like a Chapman waiting to happen desu. Hope Trent and his muscles will be OK.

smile now and then, Trent

>Next report
>After the court case, the neighbour became outraged and murdered Michale Trent Reznor in cold blood.
The Trump curse is coming.

dubs and he kills trent by ramming nine inch nails into him

oh fuck bros

>yfw Nader Afshar is the one to blame for the recent shitposting of TDS on Sup Forums
makes sense

>this is trent's neighbor

shit I would get a restraining order too

>implying even dubs could kill based trent

Every other's rockstar's like
> X Has been accused of sexual harrasment
Meanwhile this is Tront

>On Christmas Eve -- according to the docs -- Trent says he was outside playing with his kids when he spotted Afshar "disheveled" wearing an open shirt, shorts and Santa hat ... walking up and down the sidewalk ranting, "rich people can do anything they want, but the Lord will get them in the end."

Hahaha, goddammit this is sad and hilarious, Trent should have approached him to kick his ass while screaming "your Lord is Dead, and no one cares..."

>Living next to an arab

You don't choose your neighbours

>an arab as a neighbour
rip tront. this nigga is going to blow himself up with tront and his family :(

You do choose your immigrants

Praise kek Sup Forumsbro!

wow, imagine being this enraged by a neutral truism.

How comfy is your MAGA hat, sir?


He's right. And you don't need to support let alone care about Trump to recognize that either.

When you have as much money as Trent has, you can

Stop calling my house


this a cringe thread?

I'll offer to be his bodyguard or his body double or something if somebody can give me his number I proomise I'm not his stalker I'm just concerned about his wellbeing pls give me his cell # peace in the middle east

Just fucking stop. This isn't a political board. Stop fucking ruining this website. Both of you.

WKUK need to do a skit about this.

rip thread

lol that would own


You get

me closer to court

This isn't funny, you know he can actually get killed by his psycho neighbour.

he's gonna have a head like a hole soon lol

quick update
it is breeding season for beauitful mariqueen.
Everyone from 50 mile radius is caught in her pheromones.
this is an annual thing
this is why ep is late
fighting these people is why i am so strong
Piggies pls assemble around my house until breeding season is over
yuo will get complmentry With_Teeth defeinitive Edition

he needs to start lifting again and go back to With_Teeth era tront mode, then crush his neighbor's head between his hands and use it as his next album cover.

do you guys think that next EP will be angery thanks to all this?

new EP is brion's say10
only better


Atticus... Unleash the Hounds

Surely your dubs Saved him


He'll be fine

inb4 this turns out to be Al just fucking with Trent again

>inb4 the whole trilogy is about that guy

This article is not the actual events of what's going on. He's about to add violence, and what comes next...