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Who the fuck are you?


>when you try to wash charles gainsbourgh and end up shrinking him by 2 inches


>friends with Grateful Dead
>walked Bob Dylan up on stage
what have you done Sup Forums?

he did nothing wrong

Anyone have the MS Paint of this guy walking Bob Dylan on stage/

I didn't know who this guy was and then some kind user posted the video. It was funny and I watched an interview with this guy, who's clearly mentally ill. But now I feel that knowing about him makes my life slightly worse.

His crazy interview: youtube.com/watch?v=F1AenBMziHM


Someone post the original video

drawn to scale

Isn't it a matter of public record whether or not he actually holds a degree from NYU? Shouldn't we be able to confirm or debunk his claims?
Also, Dylan isn't that hard to get ahold of these days. Can't someone contact Dylan, for him to confirm or deny knowing Levison?

It's all obviously made up, but I'd love for someone with a little media presence to go through and debunk the little freak, then maybe do some digging and find out his actual story.


>Can't someone contact Dylan, for him to confirm or deny knowing Levison?
Dude he's not going to fucking remember that

Dylan has met thousands of people over the years.

i'd remember that guy

It just occurred to me that it's actually possible that he really does have that insane education background. Keep in mind that he never claimed to have degrees from any of those places; there are plenty of kids from rich families who just bounce around from college to college, taking random classes and never accomplishing anything.

Clearly he has accomplished something

You're no autist

Seems strange to me that he'd flip out on someone playing jazz in public, even if it was kinda shitty

Creating an art space? It seems like a good reflection of him - it claims to be a whole lot of things, without actually doing anything.

I see this a lot with people I grew up with. The people who have never done anything with themselves apply tons of labels to themselves, to try and convince themselves they're superior to people who actually have done things with their lives. So the fat kid who dropped out of community college and lives like a leech at his mom's house, is a genderfluid illustrator and revolutionary socialist, and clairvoyant.

I think he's just a guy whos lost his grip on reality


>I’m trained classically, I’m trained contemporaneously, and you suck!
is this the best one-liner ever

Does Sup Forums respect the silence that serves as the foundation of creativity?

It's such a ridiculous thing to say. Some people can tune out background noise, while others need silence. It has nothing to do with your respectability as an artist, and everything to do with the environment you grew up in.

couldn't even finish it desu

>Also, Dylan isn't that hard to get ahold of these days. Can't someone contact Dylan, for him to confirm or deny knowing Levison?

Are you fucking insane?



I was wondering what he was trained contemporaneously in conjunction with

this time the trips lie. you need to worship silence the same way artists worship an empty canvas. checked anyway.

Literally a caricature of a Sup Forums shitposter turned to life.

his taste is too good

I know it's a joke, but I want to respond anyway; the problem with this idea is that nothing comes out of thin air. Imagination works by making connections between different ideas, images, etc. So if you're working in silence, then you have freedom to choose what you draw from, but if you have a noise or a sound, then you draw from that; I don't see how one is superior to the other.

try having your silence impinged upon by shit all the time.

>walked bob dylan up on stage

why did bob dylan need help getting up on stage?

sounds pretty pathetic that the thing you'd be most proud about in life is walking another man up on stage


It's his accent, he meant wanked

I really want to know what he thinks the most important places in North America are.

he's really insecure

is there a way to get in contact with this guy?

I've met a few old guys who make up all sorts of crazy things they were involved in. I find it incredibly depressing, because it pretty much means they feel like they wasted their lives.

In fact, one of them is my dad. He's a really sweet guy, and he has done some really cool things with his life, so when he makes up stories like how he was in a punk band just to impress me, it makes me incredibly sad to know he thinks he has to lie to impress me.

Your dads just an alcoholic trying anything he can to bond with his son though user

Your dads just an alcoholic trying anything he can to bond with his son though user

lol my dad doesn't drink, so I don't really get that part, but I'm sure you're right about the bonding part

being in a punk band surely doesn't sound that outlandish? unless it involves some "wild" stories

If it was just that I'd believe him, but the story keeps getting more elaborate. He claims they recorded an album with Ric Ocasek (vocalist of The Cars), that he roadied for Missing Persons... once I found a compilation album of bands from our area, and one had a very similar name to the band he claimed to be in. I called to tell him and he said that wasn't his, but that he did know that band, and came up with a story about them. I later found out that band was an English band that was just touring in our area.

The other thing is, it doesn't make sense in the timeline of his life. This all would've had to have happened in his late teens/early 20s, because he married my mother right out of college, in his mid 20s, and she doesn't know anything about this musical career.

Oh well. It's kinda sweet though, it definetly beats my dad's getting slightly more racist every year. Don't burst the old man's bubble

That's probably a good way to look at it.

our guy

Umm. How can a human body of such proportions be explained?

whoa. thousands you say...

the more I think about it, the more he's right

only a miserable presumptuous no talent would disturb the peace and quiet

stare into the abyss long enough, and it stares back at you
which is to say, you're turning into him

Childhood is laughing at this weird man who gets mad at a busker.
Adulthood is realising he's actually right with everything he says.

I like your dad though, Sounds like mine. Besides, anybody with a grasp on reality and crime statistics, etc, would be racist anyways.

that pictures looks like porn
[spoiler] i don't like it :( [/spoiler]



bait in human form

this isn't r/The_Donald, sweetie, this is Sup Forums



What Always Sunny episode is this?


Peak Judaism my friend


>Dylan isn't that hard to get ahold of these days
It took the Nobel prize committee a week or so to get hold of him last year

creasing at this post

Jewish Lord Farquaad from NYC

Why is this such a big deal? It's clearly staged.

it’s clearly not

kek this


at least he's an amazing pfotographer

