Let us all try to be a bit serious for couple minutes. >>77495088

Let us all try to be a bit serious for couple minutes. What do you think about Arabs? The question to all Gulf countries (GCC+Israel). What do we really think about each other? Am I the only person that think that jews and GCC arabs have fuckloads in common? Both we don't eat pork, both we worship one and only God himself, share the same rules of dressing and behavior. We both love the same food and living in the same place. Lots of wrong things were done by both sides but what do you think if we have a chance to deal with each other one lucky day? Arabian oil cash and Israeli technologies can make us the greatest over-national Empire of all times leaving EU and USA far behind. USA is the one and only beneficiary of our war, no one wants it after all. Devide and conquer that is what their government do to achieve more influence in the region.

Huh and together we'll make Iran suck thousands cocks btw

Every arab and jew invited no matter where they live.

As long as they stay in their own countries, I could not care less

>that flag


They behave like idiots here, But I do not think it's because they're an inferior race or shit like that, all normies behave like idiots in the long run.

levantines are okay.

gulfies should be lined up and shot.

If you want to progress, you have to resolve religious disagreements with other neighboring nations.

I hear third time a day about my rare flag. Yeah I'm on my vacation on Seychelles. You can also come hang around here and post under exotic flag. I wanted even to start a 'rare flag thread' or 'ask a jewish guy with Russian passport and Emirati residence who's on his regular vacation on Seychelles anything you want to' but it would be so faggy innit? I'm not yet sure about it.

the fuck is seychelles

arabs and jews are as alike as seychellesians and yakuts, you are full of bullshit.

There's a great difference betwen Lybia and Lebanon you moron. Lebanon is one of the best places on the earth with nice hash, food and people who don't give a cock about their government and DAISH and defend their own freedom and land while being armed to death but peaceful. The sweet anarchy and the REAL freedom is there in Lebanon.

funny how gulf arab subhuman bedouins are potrayed like that

we have absolutely nothing in common with any of these gulf bedouins, they can fuck off. Morrocans, berbers and tunesians are based

> Arabian oil cash
> Israeli technology
And German architecture, houses for you all where you can stay.

I was born and raised in jewish culture and I live in the Emirates. You're a dick from Bosnia and you think you're smart and know more about our values then I do. You know what? Fuck you pal that's what!

(Just trying to be nice and neat don't take me too serious).

Seychelles are a bit of a paradise with enormously expensive hotels and total black ghetto all around when you leave the hotel's territory. No lights at night, narrow single line per side roads, shitty hybrid cars... Well, generally Seychelles are the shithole! But I love it, as the people are friendly, the jungle is stunning and incredible and you can swim all day in the bath-temperature ocean and do the real tough and cool fishing.

gulf arabs are the lowest kind of human beings, i think the only rival would be indians.

i see them everyday unfortunately and their manlet sizes and big asses disgust me everytime. their """"woman"""" would make a man gay.

Big up for the Turkey! You're nice and sane guys too. There are the two types of arabs. The Libya style who are mostly moron and the educated GCC arabs. Stop being such a dickhead and stop licking the europoors ass and you're with us. There's even more in common (though not so much) between semites and turks then e.g. between educated and moron part of the arabic world.

Arabs are arabs worst enemy. Funny how arabs have better relationships with non-muslims than with their own kin.
USA - Saudis, good relations
Tunis/Libya - Italy, good relatioms
Russia - Iran, good relations
Turks - Russia, good relations
Syria - Saudis, bad relations
Turks - Saudis, bad relations
Iran - *any Arab country*, bad relations
Qatar - Saudis, UAE, bad relations.

'nuff said.

We are not arab and you should have thought about it before you started sucking anglo cock and backstabbed us bedouin monkey. We will never ever forgive you for that, most turks despise arabs even the Erdodog supporters hate you

Turkey would be a great and important part of my humble imaginary dreamland of the Big Fucking Gulf Union (you can refer to it as BFG if you want to). I cannot even dream about persian fucksters being adequate and constructive in the region but turks are guys we can and must deal with.

You think I'm so retarded not to feel the difference between turks and arabians? Come on pal.. Read it again. I've got several turkish friends and even can comprehend a bit of your language. Turks are very special and great culture not much like arabs or jews. But I know and like it also.

Irans are persians not arabs lol. They're full of shit. That is what I'm trying to tell you. There's a GREAT difference between the two types of arabs. If you wanna know the real reason of the Saudi/Qatar conflict I'll tell you. It is not about bad relations or some political arguement. Each time there's a crisis in the Gulf the oil prices go up. They just need mo' money. It's very much like a reality show. When the ratings go down you should fake some brawl and everyone is attracted and watching again.

A little quiz for the Sup Forumsards. Just tell me what's different between jewish and educated part of arabs. If you find 10 points and I won't be able to disregard that you win. To ease the contest - points like 'religion' - it's quite the same if you try to get more concrete. 'Language' - different but both are semitic and even the alphabet is the same tho written different.

I live next door to a jew whose kids keep stealing my milk bottles.