When buff-3P0's death was the saddest in the movie

>When buff-3P0's death was the saddest in the movie

Could there have been a more emotionless cast?
>I am one with the force and the force is with me

>the robot was the most human character in the movie
What a disaster

Looks like Rogue One is the new plebfilter.

only good things about the movie was iron giant and zatoichi

I suspected this from the trailer, but will probs see it anyway.


>every fresh character has to die because it's a prequel
>CG abomination Peter Cushing
>CG whoredom Carrie Fisher
No Shame: The Film

Also Tudyk Robot's jokes weren't even funny.

>In a galaxy consumed by endless bloodshed and war, it is the cold machines that end up being more human than their creators, having lost their human warmth long ago

Seems I am the only being here intelligent enough to understand this.

We all need time to be retards user, I try to keep mine to a couple of hours every few weeks.

This guy gets it.

>why u put bag on me i already cant see

why did this movie suck so much?

press f for Chad 3PO

I cried when the father died, desu


What the fuck, are people actually attached to the characters of this film?

Did we watch the same film?


>its not shitty, its secretly deep!

I'm afraid there is no saving you, my son.

youre definitely right felt like they were just tying loose threads in such a lazy way
>oh heres a grenade for the pilot
>oh here the mongolian get killed by three stormtroopers
>oh and the two leads just decide to go to the beach instead of flying away
how hard would it be to add a bit of the emotion, the asian jedi guy should have done his "the force is with me" thing but have him get shot a few times as hes walking and each time he gets up and says his line and keeps walking before pulling the switch and dying, that would really show his dedication and the power that his belief gives him

I think it was part that his death was actually brutal. Everyone else just died from vague grenades, made it real boring.

Pilot died from grenade
Donnie Yen died from grenade/explosion
Asian Shooter died from grenade

What the fuck

implied definitely

this was definitely it. you watched K2 take those shots and keep going until his body literally gave out. everyone else was just "oops dead now"


that scene was so unbearably last-dying-words cliche i almost couldn't believe it made it through all the reshoots and everything

reshoots nigger. they didn't feel like giving them unique deaths. get in costume, get on set, fall down, cgi in explosion later on.

It's Disney Senpai, what do you expect

>>I am one with the force and the force is with me
I expected some Kung Fu in that scene and watching Donnie ascend to heaven and come back with a huge Dragon killing everyone who stands in his way

>TFW the Jedi won't come back

Me on the left

Fucking kek

>big machine gun mongolian dies to a couple stormtroopers
fucking hell he should have gone down to dozens of stormtroopers not just a couple of them

I felt sad when the defector died

They're trying to emulate the Battlefront experience in their movies 2bh.