Why did they thought the best idea was to build giant robots?

>Why did they thought the best idea was to build giant robots?
>How are they making more copies of these so fucking fast?
>When all this is over, there will be countries that will demand reperations or reimbursement from other countries causing more wars
>Are people aware that making copies of these must of costs 10s of billions to make?
>Why do the robots need to connect to the human's psyche and memories ?
>Why do human's have to be inside of the robots? Why not Wireless kinect?
>Why do humans feel the robots' "pain'?
>Why not just build giant lazer cannons instead of robots taking forever to load and shoot the monsters?
>There must be millions or maybe billions of these creatures. Why isn't there more coming to takeover the earth?

I feel asleep half way through this crap in a half movie. So many plotholes I just can't pay attention throughout the whole thing. It's on Spankbag, so I might as well after a fap.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Can't into suspension of disbelief the post

>Can't into suspension of disbelief

Bullshit cop-out
Bullshit movie

>Why did they thought the best idea was to build giant robots?

Because conventional weaponry had already failed them. If you face a new enemy, you have to adapt to that enemy, and if the difference in size is so considerable, one of the ways to adapt is to reduce that size difference.

>How are they making more copies of these so fucking fast?

They're not? Jagers are very rare, they're not mass produced. By the time the movie takes place there's only like 7 left

>When all this is over, there will be countries that will demand reperations or reimbursement from other countries causing more wars

Hopefully the encounter with an alien race will make them come together as humans, but yeah it could happen. Its still better than assured destruction by alien forces.

>Are people aware that making copies of these must of costs 10s of billions to make?

Are you aware that, like I said, they're not mass produced and that without them the entire human race would die?

>Why do the robots need to connect to the human's psyche and memories ?

Because they need to be connected to their brains to be properly controlled. The pilots act as if it was their own body they're moving.

>Why do human's have to be inside of the robots? Why not Wireless kinect?

Because wireless is prone to interference and it's also very limited. A manned robot has more chances.

>Why do humans feel the robots' "pain'?

For the same reason they're able to move them. They're neurologically linked to them.
The robots obviously don't feel pain, but the pilot's brains BELIEVE that their body is the robot's, so when the robot has an arm stripped of it, their brains believe that somebody just ripped the actual biological arm from the pilot.

>Why not just build giant lazer cannons instead of robots taking forever to load and shoot the monsters?

Because they're not versatile or mobile enough.

You must be fun at parties

And I missed the last one because of space

>There must be millions or maybe billions of these creatures. Why isn't there more coming to takeover the earth?

It's probably hard to send them through the portal, or they're not so easy to produce as you might think and they didn't had many, probably because they thought earth would be easy to conquer.

But otherwise, that's the smallest point you have to take care of. I mean why didn't The Empire attacked the rebel base with full force? The rebels would've had 0 chance to survive. Why didn't the stormtroopers killed han or the drones when they could? Why didn't Sauron sent the entire orcish army to capture gondor/rohan? Why didn't one of the goons thought of shooting John Wick in the head? Why did the teens decided to spread out as they were being systematically taken out one by one by the killer?

The real question you should've asked was why didn't they used the sword since the start if it was so freaking effective at killing those things

>>Why not just build giant lazer cannons instead of robots taking forever to load and shoot the monsters?

The movie addresses this. Kaiju blood was extremely toxic, so ripping one to pieces created an ecological disaster on the level of several oil derricks exploding. Jagers were adapted to either pummel their targets to death or instantly cauterize any wounds they created.

>Kaiju blood was extremely toxic, so ripping one to pieces created an ecological disaster on the level of several oil derricks exploding.

So why would slicing them in half with a giant sword be a better alternative?

it was literally their last ditch option

Weapon of last resort. It was presented as their last option if it looked like they were about to die.

Remember, they didn't have that sword until after Mako worked on it.

>autist like OP
>invited to parties

>Come into thread expecting to explain why suspension of belief is a valid approach.
>Op is already btfo with actual evidence

Well done chan.

Did you consider even once that maybe building giant robots to punch equally giant monsters in the face might be humanity's destiny?

It's certainly what I like to believe. And the future is looking bright.

TV shows that aged like milk

Obviously because it looked badass

You fags should understand it's a movie. Fantasy Sci-Fi movie.

a story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving images and shown in a theater or on television; a motion picture.
synonyms: film, motion picture, picture, feature (film); More
a movie theater.
plural noun: the movies
"we decided to go to the movies"
synonyms: movie theater, cinema, multiplex, silver screen, cinematheque; More
motion pictures generally or the motion-picture industry.
plural noun: the movies
"a lifelong love of the movies"

Asides from that, I'm pretty sure that the sword was actually heated, so any slashes would cauterize wounds immediately

fuck this movie is so entertaining
>the kaiju origins and anatomy, the culture of the asians worshipping the kaijus, harvesting their parts
>that satisfying feeling when a jaeger punches the shit out of the kaiju
>Charlie Day being a weenie
>that terror when the kaiju hunts down Charlie and the other one hunts down Mako
>those irl Aussie shitposter pilots of Striker Eureka when their jaeger gets EMP'd and they shoot flares at the kaiju just to piss it off

it's like fun: the movie

If you're going to complain about realism in a monster movie, you should start with complaining about how the monsters exist in the first place.
"Giant robots punching shit is bullshit. The 200 foot long monsters that can EMP which they punch are totally realistic though"

Del Toro had a great work on details. Iean, russian jager theme has actuall russial lyrics that are relevant. Or scene with giant fist go trough office made with miniatures. Damn, jager cockpits were build, not made with CG. In our time of CG everything, this approach is something you should respect.

Based user.

Criticising plotholes is the lowest form of review. You're a pleb, confirmed.


thats what you get for falling asleep FAGGOT

>Iean, russian jager theme has actuall russial lyrics that are relevant.

When? I totally missed that

It's just an Eva ripoff, don't worry about it.

>Are people aware that making copies of these must of costs 10s of billions to make?

>literally The Avengers ending
Del Toro is a hack

These are not plot holes, they're things about the movie you didn't like.

this movie would have been better if it was mech vs mech, monster designs were pretty bland, robot designs were decent

it's pretty much Eva adapted for normies and condensed into 2 hours, but Eva was such a cool concept that I don't think anyone cares. In fact I think they go deeper into the alien lore in Pacific Rim than they ever did in Eva. All the stuff about the kaiju harvesting, exactly where they came from, how they were created etc. was pretty engaging
Attack on Titan had a similar concept too which is also basically a revamped Eva for normies in the 2010s

that would take it to the next level but would interfere with the concept of all of humanity uniting to build machines to kill the aliens. We already saw infighting between the Aussie pilot and Raleigh white knighting for Mako which was gay as fuck and unnecessary.

the monster designs had plenty of diversity to be entertaining imo. That one with the acid had multiple defenses that kept fucking their shit up for like 20 minutes

>>Why did they thought the best idea was to build giant robots?
because kaiju blood

>>How are they making more copies of these so fucking fast?

they arent, by the time of the movie they are losing jaegers fast

>>When all this is over, there will be countries that will demand reperations or reimbursement from other countries causing more wars
>>Are people aware that making copies of these must of costs 10s of billions to make?

so you would just let the human race get fucked because your to much of a jew to spend money on your last line of defense?
You are litterly one of those niggers who demands that nasa stops exploring space because you want more food stamps

>>Why do the robots need to connect to the human's psyche and memories ?
>>Why do human's have to be inside of the robots? Why not Wireless kinect?
>>Why do humans feel the robots' "pain'?

because it looks cool.

>>Why not just build giant lazer cannons instead of robots taking forever to load and shoot the monsters?

maybe they didnt know how to make one that is usefull in a fight.

>>There must be millions or maybe billions of these creatures. Why isn't there more coming to takeover the earth?

watch the movie again you piece of shit.

>it's like fun: the movie
this, aside from the cringe romance part i really like this movie a lot

I just wanted a scene where a giant mech gets nuked and walks out of the flames, but no.

What romance part? There is nothing that suggests a romantic subplot between Jax and the azn girl. Them being different genders and still being compatible doesn't automatically mean romance.

How blind are you, they were lusting for each other. There a point in film where you can clearly hear the asian girl's getting wet.

asian girls get wet for every male that isnt asian.

>The real question you should've asked was why didn't they used the sword since the start if it was so freaking effective at killing those things
Because Toxic Blood. The sword is a last resort. The whole point of a Yager is to punch the Kaiju into submission rather than release thousands of thousands of liters of toxic sludge.

>asian girls
>getting wet for niggers

Heated blades is a standard of Mecha.


Solid iron, no alloys.
It's analog too you silly kaiju~

>weapons mounted on jagers could instead be simply mounted on walls or basic fortifications
>must be mounted on jager to be remotely effective

shit never made sense

There weren't effective walls nor fortifications against kaijus.

It's amazing how many people did not understand this, despite having a scene DEDICATED TO TELLING THEM.

the walls wouldn't do any work really. they would just hold up the weapon system.

fuck you could just mount them on mobile trucks.

just copy paste that Australian bullshit rocket spam and put it on a bunch of trucks world wide kaiju confirmed fucked

Jaggers were already basically mobile trucks holding weapon systems.

the only bad, or poorly explained, parts of this movie are the digital/analogue thing and not explaining that the dinosaur brain thing used to be an actual theory

Godannar actually.

No faggot.

>gypsy theme kicks in

>Gypsy Danger
That's racist.

There wasn't any romance.

06. The Shatterdome 1:35
12. We're resistance from 1:00

No romance, Del Totoro told that in directors comments on blu ray. Basically, he explained pretty everything there.

Look on this like on nuclear shielding from 1st gen. You know, when nuking kaiju was an option.

No, I mean the very explanation of the digital/analog thing, as presented in the movie, MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. I'm not talking about why they switched designs.

Similar to the difference between a diesel engine and a hybrid or maybe even fully electrical engine. That's why the EMP doesn't work on gypsy danger. L2engineering.

damn son look at these analogue, non-electrical holographic HUDs and neural interfaces

Swordo modo!

Dude, pilot is a redneck, what did you expercted? Not the best explanation in a history of cinema, not the worst.

>straya kunt robot is a buffed manlet
>murikan is a long legged sexy cowboy
What did they mean by this?

It's the future, user. This is a movie where giant robots fight giant monsters made by ant aliens from another universe. Stop over-thinking it.

>Not the best explanation in a history of cinema
i know
that was my original point
this is the point that people are arguing with me about
you do not need to tell me the point that i am arguing for
i am aware of it

I agree the "idea" of it was shit, but thats mostly because it was poorly executed.

In the jap world mechs move quicker than "mobile armour" and so it works for them to exist, but in this they are slow as fuck so it means nothing. I mean the movie has a trio team because one mech had a 3rd arm, it was fucking stupid.

Take Rim, make the monsters faster, and replace the mechs with GUDAM 00 types, so each has a role and bam you have a better movie.

Really thats all that killed the movie, that they were created for mobility, and yet had little of it.

Then again we are talking about a movie where they built a wall around australia... and people called trump crazy for doing one about a 100th the height and a quarter the lenght.

> that they were created for mobility, and yet had little of it.
bitch did you see how fast those fuckers were running through water
have you ever tried to run through water

They were pretty fucking fast mate, I dunno what you're on about.

Maybe they should of made it with a fish tail.


>those gigantic monsters and mechs are too slow
Do you even physics? The fact that they were slower made the movie better.
Things that large would literally never be able to be fast, no matter how much power they had.

>so each has a role
Why the fuck would you specialize each member of a thinly-spread apocalypse response team?

A Jaeger's role is to beat the fuck up a giant monster.

>Take Rim, make the monsters faster, and replace the mechs with GUDAM 00 types
Gundams are pretty tiny in comparison user. They're like the size of Gypsy's head. And they're only sanic fest in space because of boosters.

Yes they can
You just need enough power

Look at this nigga How is that not fast for that size? You can't have Naruto animu speed, that's just retarded.

>Why didn't Sauron sent the entire orcish army to capture gondor/rohan?

He did though, but by the time Aragorn arrived and the Witch King got slain Sauron had already manufactured another thousands of Orcs

What would win in a fight:
Jager or Eva?

EVA are super "robots".

Linear speed, yes, but not angular speed.

I mean stuff like youtu.be/LLMD4vlxT8Y
It's already CGI, I don't see why it wouldn't work

Eva don't follow the laws of physics very closely. They also have the advantage of animu tech where Jagers are designed to be more toned down with their weaponry. No plasma swords or anything.

Eva also had better enemies
The angels had a million times more variety and strategies compared to the kaijus

>kaiju blood is toxic
>but the guy survives being eaten by one and cutting himself out
>cutting open one in low orbit will have no risk, trust me

the movie is just nonsensical. at least it focuses on giant robots and monsters. except nearly the entire middle act

CGI in Code Geass OVA is fucking abysmal. They appear even more weightless than in 2D.

Cause it would be ridiculous, and break peoples suspension of disbelief.
Also the mechs in code geass are tiny.

I don't see why weightlessness is bad
It makes things more dynamic and fast paced, it's very good in action scenes
If you can handle the super giant kaijus you can handle robots that are a bit faster

To be fair in Code they have roller blades, its not until like the end they can fly and shit, but they still show in code they beat tanks and shit via speed.

>I don't see why weightlessness is bad
Jesus fucking Christ, how to even address this.

>To be fair in Code they have roller blades
Their little wheel things make no sense, and as that user already said they're tiny. Even smaller than Mobile Suits. They're the size of trucks, of course they're faster.

>its not until like the end they can fly and shit,
They can in season 2.

>but the guy survives being eaten by one and cutting himself out
because it's hannibal fucking chau played by ron fucking perlman
>cutting open one in low orbit will have no risk, trust me

If they made everything in the movie faster without making them smaller, the movie would have bombed. We have certain perceptions about size and relative speed that need to be preserved. It doesn't affect anime the same way because it's drawings and cartoons, it doesn't fuck with your head because of that.

>They can in season 2.
Never mind, I didn't read that properly.

Still though. Comparing Japanese mecha to western mechs will always be silly. In Japan they see them as extensions of pilots as people and they end up being DBZ/Naruto tier in terms of abilities and movements. In the west people focus more on the weight of it.

There is nothing wrong with weightlessness
It makes thing better, especially in regards to speed, and choreography
And if you complain about "small robots"

>posts a god damn super robot
Jesus fucking Christ lad.

goddamn it must suck to be as retarded as you

The movies bombed in the US anyway, it made tons of money in China and they love anime
>In the west people focus more on the weight of it.
Which is fucking boring, and makes mechas an inherently stupid concept because they're so super fucking slow
If you make them fast, they actually make sense
That said they were ok in Pacific Rim, but the battles themselves were sort of meh, again because of how slow everything was

>this robot is too small
>this robot is too super

It's not to do with whether audiences like anime or not, it's got to do with human psychology and the differences between live action and animation.
It's similar to the Uncanny Valley effect, but for physics instead of faces.

You're a little drunk on anime. This is just looking at mecha as if they could maybe exist someday realistically. It's fun that way too.

>because they're so super fucking slow
See some of the webms I posted from Gundam shows. They're not really all that faster in the atmosphere and they're, again, tiny in comparison.

>If you make them fast, they actually make sense
It makes even less sense and it's even harder to take seriously. And fights in Pacific Rim were more akin to boxing, grappling and wrestling with the kaiju. Because it's all about delivering giant punches weight is needed to be shown in order to translate the strength of the punch to the viewer. There's a sense of "easing" they use in animations - wind up takes more frames while the actual attack takes half of it. In Japan they call this technique "merihari". For example look at webm related, see how she struggles to stay on her feet and how long it takes to actually gain speed in her swings. You practically FEEL the weight of the sword she's wielding. She's not super ninja fast.

Well yeah. Super Robots are a totally different genre. Google terms Super Robot and Real Robot anime.

The movie sucked big time

That scene where the robot uses a boat as a sword sealed it for me, there's just no possible way it could have been good with something like that in it.
It's garbage for your mind, the film equivalent to junk food
It's a Lil Wayne concert.. and he's playing the guitar

That's how shit movies are

I actually hate really fast mechs like the ones you're talking about, it seema fucking pointless. If I want to see giant robots fight I want to see the weight and impact of a fucking giant robot fist impacting a giant monster face. Not some douchebag with 50 boosters coming out of his gundam's asshole and zooming around at sanic speeds, while also maintaining gymnast-tier agility.

If you didn't think the boat sword was the coolest shit you should actually kill yourself to remove your terrible genes from the evolutionary pool

Get that fucking stick out of your AIDS ridden asshole.

But I never had an issue with the uncanny valley
I can watch a full CGI movie and not get it
I'm talking about Code Geass, the robots get pretty crazy and stil stay fast, hell they get faster as it goes on
And Asuka is slow here because she's using a heavy weapon, without it, Evas can break the sound barrier

How are you this dumb?