
Letterboxd General: Doritos edition

QOTD: What are some great( or just good) films about cars?

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I just watched The Double Life of Veronique. It is my first Kieslowski, but I really feel like I'm missing something. I think I understand the point, this feeling of undefined connection, and that really the only way to portray it is through emotion, not story or words. But I never could tap into that emotion. Obviously I can't knock a film because I couldn't relate to it, and it was masterfully made. But I can't help but feel like I'm missing out. What are some peoples' thought on the film? If you loved it, what about it allowed you to?

hi boys
what do you think of my list



Very gay stuff, famiglia

thanks my man ;)
>check out the letterboxd for Silence
>third most popular review is some fag shitting on the film for being an apologetic work for western imperialism
this entire site must be purged


What are you watching today chaps

finished top of the lake so think it's back to getting /festive/ for me

>I quantify the emotions I felt during a movie with a star

>buy gf black christmas on dvd to watch together this festive season
>forget that it was actually with her 1 year ago that I first watched it so she has seen it already

absolute disaster. Christmas is ruined

is ther a website better than letterboxd?

Watch the remake for laughs also nice

tmdb, imdb, criticker, filmaffinity, icheckmovies, trakt - list goes on.

pretty sure letterboxd pulls from these anyways and imdb is trash + no reviews

im only lookin for a site to keep track of movies ive seen n c the highest rated.. letterboxd looks like the best option

Letterboxd does use TMDB but TMDB is a lot faster to use and I don't see how ICM is trash.

shit opinions lmao I can't even imagine your taste


tell me the best then fgt

letterboxd does the same thing as ICM + more.
also TMDB layout sucks. i dont need posters and huge images n shit to c a list of movies lmao wtf is this shit

>letterboxd does the same thing as ICM
While being slower to use and ruined by a 'tard community.

>'tard community.
you are exactly whats wrong with this site

>tumblerites, mentally ill and sjws shitting up the site.
>n-no u are wrong
ok lol

you used an ablest slur in descibing whats wrong with the community of the site lol

>ablest slur
Get fucked, kiddo

gas the crippled and gay for all I care

lol so edgy bro

is there a site that can display movies like this by rating?

but there are reviews on imdb


>The Wire

I never come to Sup Forums but I clicked on the thread on the home page out of curiosity for the image and ended up reading the thread.

You're such a faggot lmao.



The Hollow Point is a very good DTV neo western that I haven't seen on any end of the year lists. Highly rec checking it out before the year is over.

Black Christmas remake is actually pretty good. Not a masterpiece like the original but still very fun.


Holy fucking shit how is Criticker's probable score measurement so accurate

say you bought it for her as a nice reminder of a good time and to rewatch it.



I think that's a Making Of special.

should have done this

what a damn fool I've been

I'm gonna make it bros

Thread theme: www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnVUR4ddPTk

>QOTD: What are some great( or just good) films about cars?
Two-Lane Blacktop

Ok, it's not really about the cars, but they feature prominently.

>Seems more legitimate than the 'real' moon landing

*tips tinfoil* This community is lame as fuck

ah yes, it is the community who is lame and not I, the online nerd who is too dumb to understand a joke

Careful to not drop dead before. It would be a shame

Damn, after being astounded by the image, I went to the profile. This guy is an unironic clueless embryo from the baltics, amazing he can use a computer.
Being him sincere I actually feel guilty calling lil one out, but not that much :)

The Fast and the Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Fast & Furious
Fast 5
Fast & Furious 6
Furious 7

Overload of carkino

>fabs watched Anne of Green Gables

>Not the superior pastel chalked version



Wow those are some nice legs
Please tell me they're boy legs

fucking hell adding films is so long
wish letterboxd would restore my old account so I didn't have to add everything manually to my new one

Ew, do you have the gayz?

What happen to old account

/ptg/ tried doxxing me so I deleted it
I then realised i'm slightly internet savvy so they wouldn't be able to find my social media accounts (of which I have none unless letterboxd and twitter count and my twitter is just me re-tweeting brexit shite) so I emailed letterboxd and asked if they could re-activate it and they said they would but they're taking their fucking time

I bet if I asked them to donate to my gay orphans charity they'd donate like 10k in a heartbeat though

So, autism

i am a masculine guy tho

>/ptg/ tried doxxing me so I deleted it

And I guess if you told letterboxd overlords you're xyr they would speed up your cause :)

cinemos when