And this is why the new Blade Runner is gonna be shit

And this is why the new Blade Runner is gonna be shit

You are a faggot, Harry.

That girl is an 11/10

Bitch cant act

>absolutely garbage in war dogs
>good in exposed
>wank bait in knock knock


the fuck is wrong with you


they should have cast maria valverde

you mean aside from all the other reasons it was going to be shit?

How good for my daughter would it be if this Blade Runner edition was focused a tad more on women. I want the TFA magic worked on this please.

>Implying you wouldn't eat fresh raw shit out of her ass

Are you gay op?

>literally perfect: the slut is going to make something bad

You may have the homos man, check yourself

Her accent can cover that up

You havent seen War Dogs or Knock Knock right?

Am I the only that thinks those eyes look creepy as shit?

What is the point of that scene in Knock Knock where she wears Keanu's daughter's school uniform?

>implying based Villeneuve can make a bad film

Not gonna happen friend

What is like to be tall and handsome?

there is not a big difference if you are still autistic

Meh kind of awkward when fat girls hit on you but other than that I guess it's the same

Both are some fine looking human beans.

Btw can anyone explain to me what they are sitting in? Looks like an old car or a boat. For my life can't I figure this picture out.

Imagine sucking on her spanish pussy and being like damn girl this is worth all the pizza in the world then she lets off a little queef as thanks



Fuck you, gaylord faggot

Holy shit she is CUTE

need a mexi pusy mistres stat mmm


hopefully the idiot will overdose on lithium trying to become a robot

>movies lterally retarded since the script
>she made it watchable

yes user, (we) did

If you say so, OP. Personally I think it's more likely to stink because that's what all these lazy, unimaginative remakes do.

Will she go crazy like Sean Young did?

it could happen. he's TOTALLY INSANE after all

>Tfw you don't have a career because you look like your father

It's not fair

He doesn't have a career because he is an utterly shit actor who is only a thing thanks to nepotism
Scott Eastwood is the white Jaden

I'd be fine with that

>What is like to be tall and handsome?

How would a manlet like Scott know

Saw her in this. She would've ruined the movie if it had it not already been shitty.

>looks stupid as fuck (particularly in motion)
>barely speaks english
>can't act for shit

How the fuck she managed to make it into Hollywood instead of landing in porn is beyond me.

He is taller than Taylor Swift. He probably banged her too.

>How the fuck she managed to make it into Hollywood instead of landing in porn is beyond me.

Lexi Belle is a better actress than her tbhfam

She really does seem like she'd have been on gdp at some point

>walking meme gosling
>uninterested Ford
>dave autista
>claire "stong woman" underwood

Ana is about the only reason to watch this flop.

why not both

>implying Mackenzie Davis won't be super duper cute giraffelicant

/thread. Even the trailer is shit godamnit

What a fucking faggot you are Op.

> disneying everything


>responding to obvious bait

Fucking buy some self-awareness, idiot.

pic related is why it's going to be good

She'll just be her usual gormless self.

>stand expressionless with mouth slightly open
>Now that's acting!

Awful actress.