
>going through Voyager for the first time
>ups and downs
>suddenly this
oh for fucks sake

also /trek/

There is always one my friend.

But except for Worf/the Enterprise jobbing, that was a good episode.
>He's my Number One dad!

MIIILES have you seen my Terran lactating mamaries?

That's the thing thing about Voyager - it did have some really good episodes
>Course: Oblivion
>Year of Hell
>Hope and Fear
>The Thaw
But for every good episode they had, it was balanced out by about 10 episodes of complete and utter bollocks like that

>Watching Unimatrix 0
>Queen has Janeway hostage
>3 Born Drones are separated from the collective
>Borg Queen blows up the entire Cube of 11,000
>Janeway caves in

Is there a more retarded Gambit in the history of Star Trek?

>That loli Ro

And here I was giving them credit for having the first not annoying kid character in the ST.
But no, why not go to the tried and true way of having every single kid being the most annoying little shit ever.

The Thaw was legit scary as fuck the first time I saw it

Go away, Neelix.

Watched every other Trek series at least three times and now about to watch TOS for the first time. What am i in for?

first two or three episodes may be a bit 'off', but it gets rolling much quicker then the newer ones

Funny how she didn't give a fuck about the drones she obliterated on board those cubes during Endgame

>It's a My Dinner With O'Brien episode

>It's a Jake/Nog episode

hot chicks

>it's a Major Kira episode

God I hated her. On and on like a broken record every fucking episode
>muh occupation
>muh resistance
>muh prophets
>muh love interest
And that was it. No other arrows in her quiver. In Season fucking 7 they were still going on about it. She was incapable of learning a new tune.
You could skip every one of her episodes with confidence and not lose a damn thing.

>season 7
>she saves the entire galaxy
Were you watching a different show?

>Not "Major Bajor"
You had ONE job user

>It's a Major Bajor treats a dying old man horribly because he was once in the Cardassian Military episode

>It's a sexy captain episode

>I was 4!!!

I'll tell you exactly when it was

When she was in the caves with Odo and Garak helping to fight the Dominion, she was still have fucking conversations with the Cardassians about the occupation

When Damar found out about his family, still she goes on about the fucking occupation

Seven. Fucking. Seasons. of nothing but
>muh occupation
>muh resistance
>muh prophets
>muh love interest

She was just a constantly raging supercunt
It was like she was PMSing all day every day

Currently making my way through this list, I am currently watch "The Wire" from Season 2. It's good shit, I definitely judged DS9 too harshly.

She was absolutely right though, and Damar and Garak acknowledged that she was right.

>4 results found.
Never seen that before and it's awful. Why would you skip so much based on some fuckhead claiming that his opinion is shared by all of Sup Forums?

Can I get some more recommendation images?

This is all I got.



I thought you were talking about Cakehole.

"MILES! Have you seen my venomous Bajorian jumping vine?

Fuck no.

I don't want to watch it all, I tried just watching it and lost interest quickly in the dog shit episodes.
If you have any suggestions that aren't on that list please tell me, I'll probably watch them.

that's not exactly true
first two seasons are the weakest by far, it'd be quite a shame to watch just them and pass the ones where it finally does pick up

The show never picks up, and if you're horny you can just go look at porn on the internet.

It would have been better if he kept that mask on the whole time

Everyone knows the worst DS9 episodes are Dax episodes.
>muh past lives who had personality, because I certainly don't
>muh trill-related ethics

Can anyone explain to me why every time something paranormal, like time travel or alternate universes everyone is initially extremely surprised.

but it does at least a bit as soon as the whole bullshit with Kazon is over.
It's still not exactly great, but watching just two weakest seasons and nothing else is just silly.

Does Seska's Kazon baby daddy ever come back after she dies?

Because Star Trek is about the interesting events during their missions. Encounter at Farpoint to Nemesis is over 10 years but we only see 138 hours of it, that was probably every single abnormal thing that happened during that time, so we have a skewed perspective on what's normal for them.

THIS. If you're unwilling to watch it all you're not allowed to talk about it posers.


Some of us watched it when it originally aired, and we couldn't watch every episode because we had to share our televisions with other people.

Skipping episodes now is just replicating the experience of being an OG Trekker.

>watching DS9 with my girlfriend
>Dukat scene comes on
>she bites her lip and slides her hand between her thighs

Sounds like your lady appreciates a big neck.

That's no excuse.

Just when I was getting used to the kids they write them off except for Icheb at the beginning of season 7
The fuck, writers?

Sure it is. I really don't give a shit about Muh Sekrit Klub, and I'm not some insecure loser always on the hunt for "fake" "fans".

If someone has watched at least 50% of a series, that's good enough for me to consider them a fellow Trekker.

>Best TOS Seasons

>Worst TOS Season(s)

>Best TNG Seasons

>Worst TNG Seasons

>Best DS9 Seasons

>Worst DS9 Seasons

>Best VOY Seasons

>Worst VOY Seasons

>Best ENT Seasons

>Worst ENT Seasons

What did DS9 S6 ever do to you?

>tfw you realize DS9 is the Persona of the franchise

By being boring with its problem-of-the-week shows after the amazing Dominion multi-parter.
The only episodes I like from season 6 besides the beginning are In the Pale Moonlight, Far Beyond the Stars, Inquisition, and Statistical Probabilities (the one with the space autists).
The rest put me to sleep like the one where O'Brien pretends to be a criminal

>not mourning
>not being magnificent
>not BTFO'ing JJ
Your loss.

Oh shit yeah, "The Magnificent Ferengi" is a GOAT episode.
"Who Mourns for Morn" was okay
"Valiant" pisses me off

>tfw you fuck up Kira-chan's social link and get stuck on the "just friends" route.

Valiant is great.

It perfectly shows that cadets are NOT fit to command starships, and that JJ Abrams is an idiot.

Ah yes, the ship of Chads who try to beat up Tryone but get their shit rekt

>tfw Bashir-senpai will never notice you at the class takoyaki stand at the school festival
>tfw you left a note confessing your love to him in his locker, but it ended up being Nog-kun's locker instead

Best way to kill myself? The noose didn't work last time. I tied it too loose.

>it's a "that guy who posts the copypasta about how enterprise was free of homosexual pandering" episode

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

Ummmm no. ENT > VOY

>MIIIIIILLLEESSS?!?!? Have you seen my Romulan Singularity Bulushes? They're seeding soon!

>AAAAAND DDEEEENNN, MIIILLEESSS, Have you seen my Christmas Hat?

>SJW Trek

They actually hired Carl the Cuck?

But that's the wrong filename, you fraud.

>Picard never hate fucked her

Michelle Yeoh is on a different ship, not the Discovery.

>Sup Forums tourists in charge of paying attention

>redditors talking about Sup Forums

>Discovery gets a gay male character
>He's an ugly bong
the fuck am i gonna fap to

But O'Brien pretending to be a criminal is great? DS9 Season 6 is probably the most solid Trek season along with TNG season 3. Season 7 is when things started to go downhill.

>it's a Data episode

Watching TNG for the first time and this is my general reaction so far. On season six now, S5 was probably what I thought was the strongest out of what I've seen so far. About to head into A Fistful of Datas now


>second to last

That puffy vulva

I don't remember this being in Star Trek.
What is it?

>newfags don't remember Ro-user

pinhead...you've changed

>save a folder of your waifu
>spam her in every thread
>think this makes you important and worth remembering



>[Vomits Bristol Cream to the tune of The Sash]


fuck red squad!

I'm game if you are ;^)

the time they crash on a planet where their future generations live
future odo makes it so they escape the planet without causing the alternate future to co exist
present odo fucked himself learning all the stuff his 200 future self has learned
doesnt alter his face with the knowledge he's learned
this pissed me off, 200 years experience and you just shove it into a corner of your mind ignoring it.

>watch q who today
>suddenly borg infirmary
>borg babies
>never brought up again

my head canon just says it was some kind of weird experiment they were doing

also i forgot how much more an interesting concept they were in that episode than what they slowly evolved into. the crew theorised they were like a giant AI working towards one goal and used the assimilated people for processing power or something. better than the borg queen shit.

>Best VOY seasons

>Worst VOY seasons
all of them


there were faggots who cried about changing no man to no one they just didnt have Sup Forums to vent about it

watch more borg episodes

its explained.

Aggressive, adversarial, desperate.

A Fistful of Datas is the fucking GOAT episode. Data's Day is maybe a close second.


>it's a ferengi episode

>It's a Ferengi try to bribe the ambassador on board the ship and get into all sorts of mischief and hijinks episode.

>Janeway is dead
>ship encounters Omega
>nobody knows how to reset the computers
>Voyager is stranded and everybody dies
Good job, Starfleet.

Still bangable

That's from over 10 years ago.

Do you want to know what she looks like now?

she looks very... Semitic.



Rich dynamic lighting, all around more colorful sets. Old trek is the most visually appealing in my opinion, if not a little sparse.