When exactly did the walking dead peak? Personally I believe somewhere between season 2 and 4

When exactly did the walking dead peak? Personally I believe somewhere between season 2 and 4.

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First episode.

Seriously. Best episode of the series. Hasn't been good since.

That was the absolute worst stretch of the show. The whole reason it has its bad reputation.

Would that be the third season?

First post is always the best

it actually felt like what the premise was instead of people having their comfortable life interrupted by meanies


>its bad reputation

take your meds sp ed


If base it on viewership ratings, TWD peaked when Glenn and Abraham died. Glenn was the heart of TWD and many people left when he was killed where at this point the ratings have crashed.

Came to come to this.

pretty much this

This is the only correct answer. I couldn't believe just how bad the show turned out immediately after the first episode

I thought season 5 was the best
>terminus getting fucked by carol
>remaining terminus guys getting BTFO quickly
>Beth storyline in the hospital was shit though
>group with no home on the road just wandering
>fully beaded primal rick not giving a fuck
>getting to Alexandria where everyone is civilized but rick and co are like animals
>trying to blend in but they have too much PTSD
>lots of good interactions and drama that showed how different the Alexandria people were by being closed off

I just really enjoyed that season a lot.

And look at rick now.

episode where governor killed hershel was the dramatic peak

When I go back to watch it I watch all of season 1, season 2 minus the generic character development filler, and then fast forward a few seasons until Rick is a hardened killer desensitized to murder. Basically straight to Hershel's camp when he stops the Negan murder order. Then you watch everything through to Negan's intro, and most of all of season 7.

Everything else is genuinely trash.

I liked that they showed how negan saw the tape from back then to really see how different rick got. It's just not the same.

Season 5. Both in terms of ratings and quality.

Governor arc was best arc.

Negan is a shit.

I'm glad Negan put Rick in his place.

Governor arc had the best potential. It was ruined by ricks gang being OP and the governors incompetent bumbling. Negan arc seems to be the opposite now minus the fact his men die like flies.

Season 5

Take out Beth's storyline and the Season is excellent. The first half was the best translation from comics to show with the addition of Terminus to the cannibals and the second half had the storyline with the group struggling to addapt to living in Alexandria after spending so much time out in the open which is my all time favorite arc.

I believe it was also the Season with the highest ratings