This was the greatest battle scene in any star wars movie, period

this was the greatest battle scene in any star wars movie, period.


>"I'm 12!"

Obi Wan vs Darth Vader in Star Wars was better

I wish one of them had a different color lightsaber.

I don't understand why Lucas decided not to give anakin a red saber in the scene with sheev

when he kills mace? why would she even give him a saber. he's supposed to make it.

I thought that was for Jedi, not sith. You're probably right though.

Even my gf said it looks fake as shit

Well your gf is a dumb whore.

ah yeah, it's both.


the best battle scene is in the vader scene in rogue one where he walks down a hallway

Your gf is fake as shit you cuck.


I'm actually glad he kept his blue one, it would have been pretty cliche if he was given a red one just because

He or Obi-Wan should have had a green or other color lightsaber so that we would always know which one was which. Just like Sam Jackson and his purple blade.

But if Obi-Wan had green we wouldn't know who is who whenever there was Qui-Gon Jinn.

Yeah because its so hard to tell which one of them is which right?

That's literally the worst fight in the whole series. Painful to watch and not in a good way.


You clearly missed the point then

Well he's not wrong. From Vader's point of view the Jedi were evil and ruining the galaxy.

Jedi = Juden?

That was real lava footage used in that shot, though.
Your gf is probably dumb.

Execute order 6 millions

did you point out the real burns on Ewan McGregor's costume?

>not drawing a hitler stache


lets be real here. the best fight was either
obi wan v darth maul
obi wan v jango fett
cloud city

then obi wan vs anakin

> Obi Wan v Jango Fett

C'mon, user. A duel needs two lightsabers to be a legit Star Wars duel. That's why Obi Wan v Grievous is the best duel in the franchise. It features the most lightsabers

except jango proved that wasnt the case it was good fight, plus the location in the rain was cool

lmao salty pricks can't accept someone who uses this board has a gf


none of the prequel fights were good because they fucking looked like dances more than fights, this is why TFA is superior, the lightsaber battle is fucking straightforward

EPISODE 4 A NEW HOPE had the most straightforward lightsaber duel so its the best.

1. Luke v. Vader (ROTJ)
2. Luke v. Vader (TESB)
3. Obi-Wan v. Anakin
4. Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan v. Darth Maul
5. Anakin & Obi-Wan v. Count Dooku (ROTS)
6. Sheev v. Yoda
7. Anakin & Obi-Wan v. Count Dooku (AOTC)
8. Obi-Wan v. Vader (ANH)
9. Obi-Wan v. Grievous
10. Rey & Finn v. Kylo Ren

you must be half blind if you can't tell

>10. Rey & Finn. v. Kyle Ren
Kill yourself for trying this hard.


Why so many Star Wars threads today. Disney shills?

i think they recently made a star wars movie so that might have something to do with it

The joke is that your gf is fake, right?

The Darth Maul fight in episode 1 was better.

>Not "Execute order 1488"

It's established in 4 that they both have blue sabers.