Was being a 90's kid really that good?

Was being a 90's kid really that good?

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there was a whole lot less retarded shit constantly being thrown in our faces. it gave us more time for quality programming.


>obligatory gay character

The happening was already in full swing


people are just miserable adults so they rationalize if they were a kid again they be happy
but they still be the same miserable person

what I remember being a 90s kid
can't drive
can't fuck
can't even whack off
can't make money
basically a slave to your parents

fuck being a kid

I was born in 92' so I refuse to say I'm a 90s kid, I just remember slime, element drinks, tech decks, everything was fucking colorful like neon and pink. Gimmick foods everywhere. Pogs and those bags of liquid you'd squeeze but really you'd stick your little pecker into them

I just miss jolt cola really.

92' here.

I used to love this show back then. Nostalgia is powerful, but we must agree that the atory was shit tier (like 90% of blockbusters nowadays.)

He wasn't gay, he got fish pussy

Everything started to go to shit after 1995


>Anime still awesome instead of weeaboo pandering.
>golden age pc gaming
>Non douchebag rave culture

Yeah the 90s were better.

I was technically an 80s kid, but was the right age in the 90s to appreciate how fucking rad everything was.

Media for kids and young people really peaked late 80s and early 90s. Now its all soppy moralfagging and everyone gets a medal these days. Back then you defeated evil, now you hug it and become its friend and win with the power of love and friendship. Fuck that, its naive stupidity designed to make you easy meat for psychopathic rich kids to manipulate.

I genuinely feel sorry for kids nowadays.

I diagree. 9/11/2001 is when everything started to turn to shit.

Gay actor, not character.

>can't fuck
I still can't though.

That Pokemon opening full of japanese effort culture...

>I wanna be the very best
>Like no one ever was



Anybody watched this show?

>Comics went to shit after the major storylines like Knightfall and The Death of Superman ended in the mid 90s
>Music went to shit beginning with Rap Metal and Teenybopper artists in the late 90s
>Movies started becoming shit when they began relying more and more on cgi
>Stallone and Schwarzenegger's careers died in the late 90s
>Gay MSM agenda began in the mid 90s

I unironically loved it as a kids cartoon opening. Honestly, Pokemon taught kids important values:

>hard work and training
>friendship and teamwork
>not being discouraged by setbacks, but resolving to improve for next time
>Brock teaching us that, if you ask enough girls, eventually one will give you a pity fuck.

Great stuff.

Honestly this
It took a while for society to recover and by that time the media was shit

And I suddenly realised that only a few people value friendship and honesty, girls only want the "bad" guy, and now you can't do anything against the sandniggers of your highschool who steal you ("user, you can't defend yourself because of multiculturalism!").

You have to wonder what GenZ will nostalge about losing.
>remember when our countries were over 50% white
>yes those days were terrible
>oh look at the time, I have to prep my wife's daughter's bull

Great quints but shitty comic.
Pop culture really has objectively been sliding down the slippery slope over the past 50-60 years. Just because it's moving slowly doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Lost galaxy and in space openings are so fucking good.

No, everything just had a lot less exposure.

>That guitar on the extended In Space opening


Shame that an Exended version of the italian version of lost galaxy was never made, it's my favourite by a long shot.

None of those notions matter to a child, leaving room for unassailed bliss. A life without worrying about any of that shit was bliss. Of course, that comes at the price of your parents providing for you, like you said. But that's what we do as adults for our kids, give them at least a few years of wonder.

>can't drive
>can't fuck
>can't make money
>basically a slave to your parents
Uhhh, still can't do any of that shit famalmadingdong.

I remember finding out a qts number and then calling it and hanging up if it wasn't her answering.
Eventually in HS aim, yahoo, and myspace became prevalent so I cracked a joke about giving a girl my number and telling her I'll be home in about 30 minutes or something.
You'll always lust for a different time but studies/polls have shown less young people are having sex and all that so that should tell you something.

That's your fault, NEETfag


A 10 man team seems a tad excessive!


That's 9

THIS is 10