A Bug's Life: Reddit

A Bug's Life: Reddit
Antz: Sup Forums

Antz was better

Don't even remember watching a bugs life

Reddit: Original trilogy
Sup Forums: Prequels

Reddit: Taxi Driver
Sup Forums: Hobo with a shotgun

reddit : Toy Story
Sup Forums : Small Soldiers

hobo with a shotgun is pure kino

>george in the dark
>Mickey in the light
>this was the last time they spoke as friends.

Reddit: The Martian
Sup Forums: Interstellar

Reddit:godzilla 2014
Sup Forums:shin godzilla

You've got that backwards

Antz was pretentious and gay and a bugs life was fun

Reddit: Original trilogy
Sup Forums: Prequel trilogy
Tumblr: Disney era

A Bug's Life was marxist propaganda though

>pretentious and gay
sounds like Sup Forums to me

>That entire termite scene
Always freaked me out as a kid

go back to plebbit

>that scene where the ants are marching and they start singing 'it ain't me'

Antz literally was

>proletariat Antz raising up against the powerful and achieving utopia
>leaders are whiny jews

Sup Forums is the shit eating Flies in a bugs life

Popular movie: Reddit
Similar but less popular movie: Sup Forums

i always thought the ant was buried up to his neck, not decapitated

Antz is kino. Bugs life is ass.

what the fuck are you talking about you ignorant swine
antz is one of the most anti commie movies there is

There is no bourgeois in Antz, it's a hierarchical monarch society. Bugs Life on the other hand is all about getting cucked by Hopper and the wasps

>Literally a workers revolution run by jews
>hideous aesthetic
>celebration of the pathetic
Sure thing fag

I found it gratuitous and lacking of substance

>A Bug's Life was marxist propaganda though
It was literally an Aesop fable mapped onto the plot of Seven Samurai.

you are a dumb person

The ants in a bug's life were basically the farmers from Seven Samurai

Bugs Life? Sure

>no literal bourgeois, so the themes can't be there

The grasshoppers aren't part of the Sam society though, it's closer to viking raids or mafia rule

no u


Are you dumb or what? Their community was being harassed by outside forces so they hired out for some security to chase off the Grasshoppers. That's literally the basic premise of Seven Samurai.

no u

>no literal bourgeois, so the themes can't be there

Point them out

>The grasshoppers aren't part of the Sam society though, it's closer to viking raids or mafia ru rule

Ruling class doesn't have to be natives

HAHAHAHAHA He looks fucking miserable.

>ants in a bugs life were merely workers and the ants in antz weren't
>utopia in a bugs life
>disney hideous aesthetic
>celebration of the pathetic
Nah cunt

>There is no bourgeois in Antz

there were WASPs

Nigga I ain't ever see your weeb8. The Marxist class structures are palpable and LE REVOLUTION

>point them out
Lol what I've listed several things already
>doesn't have to be natives
In communism propaganda, yea it doea

I have to go with a bugs life. Antz is an ugly movie

>explains why Bugs Life is plebshit


>doesn't get the may may arrows

They helped the ants

>listed several things already

you've listed jack shit

>In communism propaganda, yea it do doea

Jews aren't native to anywhere

>jews aren't native anywhere
Communism isn't race based, natives would refer to citizens

The Illusionist: Reddit
The Prestige: Sup Forums

Sherlock (Cumberdict Benebatch): Reddit
Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.): Sup Forums

Armageddon: Reddit
Deep Impact: Sup Forums

Family Guy: Reddit
American Dad: Sup Forums

Troy: Reddit
Alexander: Sup Forums

Morty: Reddit
Rick: Sup Forums

The Sopranos: Reddit
The Wire: Sup Forums

28 days later: Reddit
day of the dead (2004): Sup Forums

TNG: Reddit
DS9: Sup Forums

>literal shit eating bottom feeders starting fights with everyone for no reason

Sounds about right

>The Sopranos: Reddit
>The Wire: Sup Forums

Patrician: Kevin Spacey's speech in A Bug's Life

>Armageddon: Reddit
>Deep Impact: Sup Forums

The face of a man who regrets selling out

Reddit: fight club
Sup Forums: Zodiac

Conan: reddit
Fallon: Sup Forums

Sup Forums: PISS

There's literally a scene in Antz where the ants try to start a communist uprising, but Mandible makes a speech and the immediately turn on Z. The movie makes fun of communist uprisings and is pro-individualism.

Reddit: 2001
Sup Forums: Eyes Wide Shut

Are you retarded?

It was an anti collectivist movie

Fucking idiot

Reddit: My Dick
Sup Forums: my asshole filled to the brim with big corny logs

Alexander is pure garbage. Even hearing the name triggers me after sitting through that flaccid director's cut.

reddit: reddit
Sup Forums: reddit

Why'd they kill her

MCU: Reddit
DCEU: Sup Forums


that scene was a bit much. especially when the flies immediately started eating her corpse

How did they sneak this past the censors???

claiming things are reddit: reddit

Heard it was put in secretly and is supposed to symbolize woody allens step daughters virginity and innocence

>censoring violence
>in america


Thank you.

Antz is terrible to look at, has awful voice acting, zero good humor, and is just worse in every way.

Did they shoot her with a fucking anti-tank rifle?

So you're saying reddit is vastly superior to Sup Forums in taste?

Bold play on this website, friend.

lol whattttt

You're wrong on every point.

Imagine that poor girl when the doggy dies.

Some of it is subjective but you cannot argue that Antz has better CG or is more visually appealing then Bugs Life.

Let's hope s/he lives a long life so her happiness can be intact for as long as possible.

I can because the ants in Antz actually look like insects. The ants in A Bug's Life look like generic aliens made of candy. The scenery and visuals of Antz are way more memorable. I don't remember a single set piece from A Bugs Life except the bird, but Antz has Insectopia, the Picnic, the bar, the Termite battle, and the giant ant tower at the end.

kek, same here


Antz is such an ugly looking movie. I've never watched it for that reason


If we're going all philosophical on Antz, what does the titanic human (which was the best part of the movie, btw) represent?

The invisible hand of the free market

>ay yo bby how bout sum head
>no oky


What was pretentious about it? It was fairly simple and made sense. Ants in real life are basically expendable and expected to die for the colony, specifically the queen, and the movie touches upon that through Woody Allen's character, the termite war scene, and his eventual defiance when he goes to Insectopia. In the end it's about thinking for yourself and not constantly doing what society and everyone else expects you to do. It's not a complicated fucking movie, most 13 year olds could probably figure it out.

The only thing I would say is that it isn't really a kid's movie, it's a better fit for teenagers

A bugs life and Antz are 20 years old

>Reddit: kink
>Sup Forums: queen snake

why was that bitch killed with barrett rifle?

>people are unironically arguing over children movies made years ago

I hope Trump makes it illegal for women over 40 to give birth.

Mental problems happen to people no matter the age. Best thing to do is wipe out all humanity and let nature evolve a better replacement.

>1998 was 20 years ago

Because you're bad at math

>1998 was 67 years ago

>George with a sith lightsaber

That's how you teach kids to deal with loss before they lose someone genuinely important, like their parents.

The thing: Reddit
The fly: Sup Forums

his smile and optimism: gone


Deep Anal Abyss 4: Reddit
Ass Worship 9: Sup Forums

pure kino

Reddit: Mulan
Sup Forums: 101 Dalmations