Be careful not to CHOKE on your aspirations

>Be careful not to CHOKE on your aspirations.
>*winks at camera*
Is this quipkino?

>I find your lack of faith disturbing.
>**laugh track** **applause**

Vader always has 10/10 bantz.

>Apology accepted, Captain Needa.
>**Oscar win** **10-minute standing ovation**

>Tell that to Zods snapped neck

>*crickets chirping*

How can you tell he winked under the mask?

Vader learned the ways of the Pun from Obi-Wan.

a black eyelid on the mask came down very briefly

That was by far and large the worst scene of the movie, I fucking cringed in the cinema when I saw this


>Character is always serious, and his seriousness in comedic relief situations is what can make those scenes funny.
>Give him a quip of his own because the director doesn't understand this concept.
I'm not even going to bother pirating, honestly. Thanks for letting me know.

Oh cmon, of course he'd unleash some quips after spending so much time with Obi

I dont get it

Re-watch the OT.

Apology accepted Kahptan Needa

>Apology accepted, Captain Needa.
>See that you do. The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am.
>We would be honored if you would join us.
>I have altered the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.

I know having Vader actually use the word 'choke' is a little on the nose, but, let's face it, he's always been kind of a sassy motherfucker. It didn't strike me as a terribly out of character thing for him to say.

Why didn't vader just force pull the death star plans from the rebel soldier?

He actually thought the Death Star was fucking stupid and wanted Tarkin to get blown up. It's the only way to explain why Vader didn't warn Tarkin.

maybe cos he had to focus on the group of guys trying to kill him first?

He was having fun murdering people. That's why he just let's his Stormtroopers take out the Tantive IV security in ANH: he didn't want to repeat his mistake.

Did you even see The Quips Awakens? Shit was Quips every 5 seconds...thought it was trying to be a comedy.

Rogue One has Vadar make one quip and suddenly everyone is shitting in their pants.

Plus...pretty sure "apologies accepted captian needa" was a quip. Oh and don't forget all those atrocious one liners and quips and shit dialogue as anakin in the prequels. Did you forget he's anakin skywalker?

None of those are quips though, they arent designed for the audience. They are lines that reinforce his in-movie intimidation.

Why wasn't the movie called rogue two because two rhymes with poo which is what this movie was, poo that is.

He actually says "I find your lack of face disturbing" in a nod to the samurai films Vader is based on.

lol a movie can't be poo what is wrong with you?!

>this is where the fun begins.

Why were his eyes red?

The ting sound effect in post

>Vader starts to choke random commander
>"I find your lack of air disturbing"
>Vader looks on camera
>Laugh track

They were red in ANH

Real-talk how the fuck did he force-choke someone through webcam?

Disney fags are really overcompensating for this. The level of denial is blowing my mind. Anyone could have seen this shit coming as soon as Lucas sold Star Wars to Disney. Is anyone really surprised that they are turning Star Wars into a reskined MCU quip-fest soulless shitshow?

No, I am surprised at the people trying to reimagine history though, as if Vader was always a walking quip machine

Why was his helmet so fucking retarded in this? Did they blow the budget on CGI tarkin?

I'll admit it, I laughed. Just cause it was fucking Vader that did it.

That's what he does all day in his chair. Comes up with lame puns involving his powers.

>Don't PUSH yourself trooper.
>You need to LIGHTNIN' up.

The empire never knew that the Death Star had a design flaw

very carefully

So you think he tweeted about afterwards? #roasted

rebel fighter: "HEEEEEEELP OPEN THE DOOR."
other rebel fighter: "I CANT' IT'S STUCK"
vader: "Let me take a stab at it!" *thrusts light saber through chest of rebel fighter*

Would you say that pun was....forced?

What's funny is that it totally worked in getting the door open.

>How you want your castle senpai?
Let me get that Peter Jackson


he didn't
the other guy was just pretending to be choked, so Vader wouldn't feel bad.

>being this autistic over a joke
>in a movie with almost no jokes outside of that and the droid's percentages

I mean it would have been dumb if he did all that and had to just stand there because the door didn't open.

>wahh! they think retarded things aren't funny :(

>You shouldn't have let your burning ambition get the better of you, Lord Vader!

>Complaining about autistic nitpicking on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

Star Wars was released in 1977

It didn't feel out of character at all. Very Vader-sih

movie sucked though

Would joining Vader's snapchat circle be a big deal?