Where do you see Star Wars in 5-10 years?

Where do you see Star Wars in 5-10 years?

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All the villans are white males

Back in the hands of Lucas.

I don't. Why would grown adults keep watching fantasy movies for children?

maybe because they have children and enjoy things they enjoy

Not bled dry by Disney just yet, but the viewing public will start to realize that Disney isn't gonna do anything truly interesting with the universe and the numbers will start dropping and then so will the quality. And then there will be a period of rest and promises will be made towards a revitalization of the series and blah blah blah blah blah


Belting out a movie a year without ever stopping.

Star Wars Autists will never stop eating the slop, even if it went to shit

After they bleed the normy audience dry, perhaps they to a slate of smaller / varied projects

too bad they shut out eu

I want to seductively rub my neckbeard all over her disgusting body

*fuckin' white males

Washed away in the nuclear hell fire like the rest of us.


Is that the rogue one girl? she looks like a tranny. Long limbs, broad shoulders, skinny boy legs, belly button above waist, long rectangular torso, visible adams apple, and those lines on the hip that lead to an adonis belt that low BF % males have and females almost never have. Anyone else see this shit?

boy the prequel remakes are looking great

you're projecting

>white baby boomers and millenials that aren't white as heroes
>white millennials as all the villians

I think they will 'reboot' the entire sage by 2030, starting with a remake of The Phantom Menace. Maybe it will actually be good.

>bong genes

Not her body.

? She has a very strange and distinct build. I am a man so maybe I am projecting lol. Is this really the rogue one girl though?

i need to be her pusy slave i wonder how hairy beneath that mitt

Her hips are out of alignment. Pretty common.

British women are not known for their hot bodies.