I think we can all agree that Mary was the best girl in the Tudors. Solid waifu material at that

I think we can all agree that Mary was the best girl in the Tudors. Solid waifu material at that.

sexy af

>Waifuing a full-blown crazy bitch

They literally named a drink after her.

Anne Boleyn was the best girl but Mary wore a corset better than any of the main women characters.

A delicious drink.

>Picking anyone but Jane Seymore as best girl

Even Henry really liked her.

The other less known potatofu desu.

Please don't besmirch Lady Mary's honor with such scandalous images. She is a paragon of virtue.

It's ok, I'm catholic.

Who is girl in picture?

delet this

She was a literal mass murderer.

Mary I of England, also known as Bloody Mary for her mass executions of Protestants.

>Mary wore a corset better than any of the main women characters.

Wording this.

More of this.

Got some oldie

It's super weird to me that they never recasted Mary as the show went on. By the end she was thirty something and she still looked like a teenager.

Hell she was supposed a year older than Earl Surrey and only 4 years younger than Catherine Parr.

should i watch it? I always pirate it for my mother

First season was alright. The rest of it varies in quality. If you are into the time period, sure why not.

Also, there are lots top

*of tits

There is a variety of tops as well. As others have mentioned, Mary wears them the best.

>Henry had a wife called Jane Seymour in real life
>Actress name Jane Seymour plays one of Henry's wives in the show

The show didn't really give a fuck about staying very accurate or aging characters. Only male characters do any aging.

Vikings is the same way.

Both shows are written by the same guy, go figure

Edward Seymour's super slutty wife was the best girl. She styled all over that Bishop too.

yes, very sexy

Can we at least agree that he was >our guy?

loved the fashion of the time.

Charles Brandon looked regal af in season 4.

I didn't like him in season 1 but he grew on me. I didn't know history so I was surprised he lasted as long as he did.

I mean, the actress is adorable and all, but she goes full on nuts during her reign. Murder blood and death. Ends up thinking she's pregnant, but it's actually a gigantic cancerous growth.

My least favorite part of this being a history based show is that my ship of Charles/Anne of Cleaves could never set sail.

At least he got a French qt at the end.

She looks like that feels guy meme

She doesn't do it in the show and I refuse to believe she would do it in any show continuation.

Imagine turning down a qt like Anne so you could marry a stupid fuckslut like Kat Howard. Henry was a retard.

No one dressed that slutty back then.

Corets were definitely a real thing.

Looks like the portraits, the ones they usually copy for movies and series you know..

Those necklines here are much more conservative. No super Catholic woman like Mary would wear something with boobs that prominent.

It's a shame they never followed through with the rest of the dynasty
I would have liked a Sarah Bolger Mary season

Dress looks the same, the rest depends on tits size.

She would never have been able to pull off being cruel. She's too adorable for it.

I've been thinking about this picture a lot.

She did a fantastic job in that final terrifying rant she had
Even her old Ambassador friend looked freaked

Average masturbatory thoughts or something deeper?

Also you should see her in Emelie, she's fucking terrifying in that

Both desu

I wasn't attracted to Mary, but I felt bad for her and just wanted to be a good father to her.

I don't like the modern makeup. I want to see her sexy in her Mary I attire.

The Elizabeth casting was spot on too, shame she never got to really do anything

she always looks like she's about to sneeze

only Americans have ever considered breasts to be something evil to look at

pic related is from the same time period

She was still to young to have done much in the Tudors. She was still a year away from getting diddled by Thomas Seymour and out-smarting interrogators.

This is my wife now.

10/10 in my book

Been a long time since I've watched this but the best girl was the one Henry thought was ugly but she wasn't.

Man that series was a ride. Henry is a fucking lunatic.

That was Anne of Cleaves.

agreed but Bloody Mary didn't lose her virginity until she was 39
not exactly a sexy Tudors season

That actually wasn't very far away from when the series ended.

I was always confused about what really was the deal with Henry's injury. Was it really a horse fall that caused his legs to get that fucked up? I don't understand the sores spawning from that.

he contracted syphillis

It just didn't ever heal right because medicine was a joke back then.
