Was Charls really a murderer?

Was Charls really a murderer?

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we dont talk about that shit here paisa

the signs were there. dont you remember all those times on knob hill?

He was a cop killer

>not only judy can judge

fucking pleb

He just wants to play Elder Sign.

you want security?
gold bars just like from loony tunes

You backing up your data? Somebody's backing it up, and it ain't you.

how does one man look so good from just matwork?

People don't fuck with me.

>tfw World Peace being cancelled means Charls might never get his big break into acting

feels bad man

Hear that?
Thats the sound of you dying...
One second at a fucking time
Lets get outta here

Is there any reason Charls is so handsome

he always has his lucrative career narrating audiobooks in Scout's voice

He takes care of himself

cheekbones like a fuckin greek god

0h yeeaah

He's white

is charls replacing Jared Leto as Le Joker?

does charles have autism?

cheekbones + jaw

What did he mean by this?