Hey buddy can you teach me how to ollie?

>hey buddy can you teach me how to ollie?

Only if you teach me how to loli

I wish for the pedo bot creator to be maimed and raped until he's unconscious or begging for death.

i dont think its a bot


The bot makes the OP but the fucker is so pathetic he stays on every thread his bot makes, he brags about his bot in irc, guy's absolute fucking cancer.

Agreed. The guy is an absolute piece of shit.


fuck off pedo
no one is going for this shit

You're the pedo fucking "çunnybro" you and your euphemisms for child pornography have all been reported to the authorities, just so you know.


well played, user, well played

well, bribribro wrote half, so, same the rape for him

stop bumping your gay ass thread
i'm the one who has to deal with perfectly good threads being derailed by you degenerates
who knows what gems this piece of shit knocked off page 10

this is him right?

Most definitely, all little girl posts are by him, a few other degenerates circlejerk in them and post pictures of their favorite girl but they're more cautious than this faggot.


wow, exaggeration much

>he brags about his bot in irc

kek, I haven't been on irc in ages, fham

is someone impersonating me or something?

wew, I'm so famous :^)

>hair extensions


you redditors are just jelly of my turbopatrician taste, and my impeccable reputation as poster and cunnysseur


stop spreading lies, fham

Kill yourself fucking pedo.


why do you redditors feel the need to project your mental sickness so hard?

You people need to relax, it's almost christmas

Your deranged asspulls and backpedaling won't change the truth, you're sexualizing little girls, you're pathetic and your sexuality is simply illegal, please die a horrible death and stop lying to yourself about your condition.


as always, cunnybros are the voice of reason


The hide option never worked for some people, and it keeps not working :)

>more projecting

it's really sad you guys can't see that little girls are cute without obsessing about sick sexual fantasies, really

seek help

The report option should work better.
This entire thread is off-topic, not to mention illegal, and should get deleted already.


>sexuality is simply illegal
Even if your accusations were true, which they aren't, pedophilia isn't illegal



it's pretty obvious they're pedos and used the projection method as an excuse to enter every single thread and look at our awesome pics

hopefully the police will catch them soon

What's really sad is how deranged you are from telling yourself and others that your behavior is normal for years.
It's not, you should get arrested or even better, shot to death.


oops, meant to quote


>le report
>le illegal
Only fags and ledditors would care about shit like that


>this level of projecting

wow, truly amazing really

Guess these girls' mother's posted illegal content on Instagram, never knew :^)

please report this post.
It's promoting child pornography.

sure, watch close now


all parents are pedophiles!

beaches are cp!

kekekek, these pedoredditors, I swear

You're playing your hand too much lately. You don't give a shit about whatever content, fagboi. You just want YOUs through bait in these threads. Sad!

trying takes courage, too

A for effort

Please report this thread and send the link to the fbi.
It promotes child pornography.

i'd rather be fucked in the ass by a well endowed and righteous vigilante such as yourself, kind sir.
Don't lie to yourself.
You know in your heart you also want it.

I like tummy!

I'm the king of (You)s, fham

they come to me effortlessly

my cunny content is 10/10, many people have said so throughout the years

this is what triggers you the most, my undeniable awesomeness, and the respect it brings



doesn't 'pornography' usually involve some sort of sexual activity, or something?

It does, and you're promoting it.


why are tummies so awesome, bros?


I was talking about the '''anti-cunny''' troop, mate

There's no such thing as "anti-cunny", just neurotypical people and deranged pedo scum like your lot.
This place really fucked with your values btw.

You can rub them :3

that snake is the jiff of reptiles

ohhhhh, kek


wasted some good bait there :^)

>says the guy that can't see a pic of a cute girls without thinking about sex

sure thing, mr reddit

me on the left

Nice, safe places for good citizens are a click away

First that little doggo, now this

I'm not, I'm just a passerby.
But what are you promoting? Burqas?

true, true

you can also play bongos with them, and that makes them laugh

>mods asleep
i'm all nostalgic now

wew, you look very cute in that blue leotard :^)


these inflatable flamingos have a pretty sweet life too...

you know you can always stalk Sup Forums and wait for the inevitable cp thread instead of spamming Sup Forums

>personal foot slave
Living the dream

why is cassidy so perfect, bros? :3

t. typical reddit pedo

The pedo poster of Sup Forums does it out of spite because his jailbait waifu threads started getting removed years ago.

Solid tummy so far but I think tushy is even better

Here is a kino wallpaper made by an user on hebe

oh yeah, I mean, who could possibly find these girls cute, right?

The situation isn't about that