Worst movie i saw in a long time


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I couldn't finish it. I think I watched 40 minutes.

>people actually think leto's joker was good.

this one too

Honestly really hated it, however I didn't mind dawn of justice. Liked it more than man of steel for sure.

joker german sub is so fucking i retarded

This movie is proof that profit doesn't determine quality.

I thought that would be the Marvel movies zing

The movie had shit pacing and writing and plot. The only thing that would have made it somewhat bearable is if it was rated R with gratuitous violence and swearing and nudity.

Isn't it Transformers?

Leto's Joker was actually pretty good, Harley ruined the movie though,

Yup. Absolute garbage. You have to be a complete moron with the intellect of an eleven year old to enjoy this one bit.

Marvel movies are frustratingly bland, but this was unwatchable.

it's all a big blur at this point of grey gunmetal, quips and religious allegories

You didn't see this then. Easily one of the worst of the year.

>Leto's Joker was good

>Didn't play overly cartoony like Romero latino Joker
>Didn't play not-giving-a-fuck-why-are-you-even-in-this-movie Nicholson Joker
>Didn't play grimdark overhyped Ledger Joker
>Didn't play over meme character like Harley Queen

Pretty gud

I guess I should watch more movies. I liked it and loved the first 40 minutes.

that's a perfectly ok movie, though, unless you had unrealistic high expectations for it or somehting

It's terrible. I was actually pretty annoyed I'd wasted my time with it. Completely undeveloped storyline that devolved into some dumb shoot fest. Easy 2/5 star film.

eh, it was fine

and with it being about androids in or around current year, corporate shenanigans, and with all the scott's involved in this movie, you can even see it as a stealth entry in the alien/ blade runner universe

also that mara chick probably made for a better motoko than the upcoming gits movie with chubby scarjo will

That cover makes it look like a stoner comedy from the early 2000s

I hope to hell GitS isn't as bad as Morgan. If it is I will be pretty angry.

Morgan is basically shitty Hannah. It starts out so well then nothing gets explored.

Captain America: Civil War > Deadpool > X-Men: Apocalypse > Batman vs Superman > Doctor Strange > Suicide Squad


yeah, don't get your hopes up


This and Fant4stic were easily the worst capeshit movies I've seen in the last 8 years.

>BvS > Strange


I agree. They somehow managed to lower the bar below BvS in terms of quality.



>Deadpool > X-Men: Apocalypse > Batman vs Superman

Literally the other way around

The thing that always boggles is that it must have been what 50+ people fucking trained in film and studied film and said "fuck it, this looks cool". I mean the movie is still shit but its these little things, someone must have thought holy shit cara looks fucking retarded.

Just sitting down to watch this. Four minutes in and they're on their third pop song. Why?

There are plenty of reasons and other reasons of course for me to hate suicide squad but holy fuck do I despise how this shit gets such wide releases while ANYTHING and I mean anything that isn't capeshit is shown for a goddamn week at most in one cinema too far from my shithole of an area.

starts with guardians, ends with galaxy

>Harley Quinn introduction
>Superfreak starts playing

Fuck this movie

I only saw Guardians once but IIRC they'd use a song for pretty much its full length and not just rapid-fire snippets.

This is starting to feel like Songs by the Drunken Assholes. Just the parts you know.

the joker is nonexistent in the movie and only there for marketing how can it be any good?



Thats Because Gunn has some degree of personal conection with all the music he uses and usually writes his song chice for the scene in his script so its a more intentional form of scene painting.
Suicide Squad had a popular goofy trailer with Bohemian Rhapsody and decided to jam as many pop songs in their turd as possible to try and trick people into think they're having fun.

Hollywood has become more about creating a Pavlov's dog type reaction in movie goers instead of actually feeding them a good movie.

>oh I recognize these characters, music SCHWOOM noise. That means im having fun!

Good luck, I couldn't take more than one hour.

Who edited this garbage?

A trailer company. I shit you not.

That explains a lot.

What the fuck were they thinking?

I had actually forgotten that piece of shit existed and I had watched it

The thing that I "liked" the most were the scenes that felt like as if they were made only to have something flashy to show in the trailer.
I mean what the fuck was the point of Waller's helicopter diving into the city firing flares after taking off?

In case the Incan gods fired current era missiles at them.

Wait so the military just bought them all a bunch of quirky costumes including Harley's Hot Topic getup?

it was like taking the retarded mind of a 13 year old and installing it into one's own for 2 hours

it was their gear that was confiscated when they were arrested.

>played gay, over acted, thinks he's doing a great job, gangbanger, unintimidating, loving, caring, bad Joker cosplay.

Okay, that does make more sense.

this, so irritating

Its way harder to put another musicians music into a film than people think it is. Im sure it has a name but cant think of it off the top of my head

my favourite example below. inb4 meme

Haven't even pirated it to watch. Margot robbie is a shit tier actress so im not going to put myself through that

>Superfreak starts playing
I nearly snapped my neck I was cringing so hard. Seriously, who the fuck edited this thing? There's a passable movie buried underneath the bad soundtrack and poor pacing.

>removing all the Joker-Harley abuse and making them lovey dovey
>removing Captain Boomerang's racism/sexism

>theres a passable movie
not with shit tier acting

John M. Gilroy (born June 24, 1959)[1] is an American film editor whose work includes Michael Clayton, The Bourne Legacy, Pacific Rim, Nightcrawler and Suicide Squad.

The acting wasn't bad from everyone, just a few characters. I'm not saying it would have been good, but entertaining enough.

The movie looks like a fake movie a stoner in a 2000s comedy would come up with

this movie's stupidity level unironically keeps getting worse and worse as the story goes. It makes you mad because you keep questioning why and why and why throughout the entire thing.

still no movie can beat THE DARK NIGHT RISES as the worst movie I've ever seen in my life

His parts were better than any other scenes in the movie. The movie majorly sucked because he wasn't more featured, the conclusion is therefore that he played his role pretty well.

movie was great! Best action movie I saw this year, very lively and fun... and emotional character arcs

>emotional character arcs
The dude who can climb anything had the most emotional one by far, going from alive to dead in 5 minutes.

Katana was hot that's about it

Thankfully I didn't pay to see it, I know a guy who runs a theatre and I get to tag along to their staff showings now and again. About 15 minutes before the end (or there abouts), I got up and left.

I'm glad deadshot/Flagg stories were the focus, rather than the joker stuff. They could save that for another movie and would up only screwing up the pacing distract from the main villain.
It was a smart decision by ayer

Joker and his crazy antics were the best part of the movie. Jared Leto is a god.

I watched that whole thing waiting for the German dubbed Joker laugh. But they kept the original Jared laugh in? Come on...

So why didn't Deadshot quickly shoot Waller directly in the head at the end when she was on her own? Surely he knows how to drop someone before they can even think about pressing a button on an iPhone?

This unironically became my fav movie of all time.
I look forward to the sequel and Gotham City Sirens.

>They used the same pose and colors as "Dude, Where's My Car?" for the blu-ray cover.


>He didn't get it
lmao it's fucking kino, turn off those marvelflicks they're dumbing down your brain

Well, that explains everything.

all capeshit is shit

that line really was amazing
>shcould cutallyou beforyou knowit

>Played stupid edgy Scott Snyder Joker

GI Joe McExpositionman was unintentionally funny as fuck.

Jesus Christ what a disaster.

Real talk, what makes Suicide Squad so appealing to little girls? I swear that's all my little sister and her friends talk about lately.

They went from Frozen straight to Suicide Squad. It's kind of weird.

Your sister is gonna end up becoming a little slut just like Harley

The dialogue in this movie man.

They want to be ditzy SOOO CRAZY XD sluts that every guy wants but only fucks her hot edgy boyfriend she plays Mickey and Mallory with.

If he would have done such tiny jokes in the Movie i would have been impressed, his Joker felt really incomplete

I believe Leto's Joker was a return to the Golden Age Joker, a modern twist on Golden Age.

In comics you have four ages. Golden, Silver, Bronze and Modern.

Golden Age Joker was a crime boss. This was Jack Nicholson's Joker. I also think Leto's Joker was a modern twist on this.

Silver Age Joker was slapstick comedy because they had to tone down the crime shit. This was Romero's Joker.

Bronze Age Joker took him out of the slapstick comedy and placed him into a more psychological role, Batman's opposite. It explored the mind of Joker a little more. That was Ledger's Joker in the movies.

Now modern Joker is the super edgy blood and gore serial killer Joker. I would say in the animated movies Under the Red Hood and maybe even The Dark Knight Returns is a modern Joker.

Same. It's the only I shut off in a long time

it was objectively bad.

but not particularly bad for a hollywood flick. it probably deserves a 5-6 out of 10

Why in the hell did the squad need an escort? It kind of defeats the purpose of the squad, and makes the neck bombs redundant. Not to mention this entire movie neuters the aspect of these people being "bad guys"

The script was terrible. The pacing was terrible. The editing was terrible. Flag was the worst actor in a blockbuster that I have ever watched. Killer Croc was not an actual bipedal crocodile.

Leto's Joker was the least of this movies problem.

It made BvS look like Citizen Kane.

>bad guys that aren't so bad you can't control them but are still bad enough to take down worse guys somehow

Plus the crisis in the movie was caused by their efforts to prevent crises.

There is not such thing as German Laughs

To be fair, Croc is supposed to be a guy with a skin condition/mutation. The problem is that hes given jack shit to do and we never really get his character, much like Boomerang and Kitana. Truth be told he shouldnt be on this team anyway, they should have used King Shark

When I look at Jared Leto's Joker, I can't stop seeing a lemur.

Not enough Captain Boomerang, mate.

King Shark WAS discussed but Ayer said he didn't want to use a CG character.

At least Croc threw the bomb tho

Batman vs Superman < X-Men: Apocalypse < Deadpool

Is it better user?

Should have been a rock