Who is the best looking male actor of all time?

Who is the best looking male actor of all time?

Pic related.

fuck off, mazouzbot


Alain Delon

I couldn't possibly pick one man, there's just so many



>The thing about Harrison was Harrison could fuck. Nine people a day. It’s a talent, loving nine different people in one day. Warren could only do six.

Prime Brando obviously

I find this thread's lack of Powell disturbing.

How about he just fucks me nine times a day?

>Prime Brando will never suck your cock for a prank


I'm not gay, dude.

Just say no homo. It will be ok.


>ywn be part of a Chris sandwich
Kill me now.

wew lad

There is no other

I am to be honest

James Dean/Dicaprio in pure facial aesthetics.

Brando/Arnold in physical presence.

Michael Imperioli

I'll see your Peck, and raise you a Cooper.

really makes my crotch think

you're a dumb fucking autist

if anyone unironically replies to this thread you're a fucking newfaggot