What's the worst meme on Sup Forums?

What's the worst meme on Sup Forums?

for me its the mcchicken, the ultimate fast food sandwich

braapposting probably


Pedos calling normal people pedos because they're getting exposed.

Beta footfags

Its really the worst meme, only because those people are real.

Well, frankly it is true that Chris Hanson does nothing but entrapment. He's the criminal.

>what did he mean by this

This poster literally has to go to reddit


without a doubt, especially that new long post with all the "hmm yes nice" shit in it. fuck the guy who is forcing that

Nah, fartposting is the best new meme.
You must be a buttmad hineyposter.


shit post
shit post
shit post
shit post
shit post


oh and that cunny bot posting so fucking sick of it

After you, memester


I wonder how bad the South Park episode ruined the shake weight stocks

All of them


>le anti-semite spiderman xD

All of cats' and cloister's fucking shit memes, mate.
That's why this cunt is upset and started crying.
Repeating the same phrase 5 times, like the parrot brained little shite he is.

Worst is fartposting

Best newer meme is raimi posting

Also I wish pest posting would of taken off more. It was a fun month for that

Na man that shit is always good.

blacked threads

wtf are you even saying??

Any incarnation of R*ddit. This film/show is R*ddit, back to R*ddit, oh hi R*ddit, anything.

It's just the new 'u mad', that is, when you have literally no other argument.

>Implying any Sup Forums related meme is good.

top fucking kek.

Shut up reddit.

Problem Child 2


Nice try cats and cloister but not convincing. We all know this thread is you two praising your own fucking terrible memes, like a pair of insecure faggots sucking each other's dicks and telling each other they are the best dicks.

The mods.

>reddit doesn't even know what a meme is
one of the easiest ways to spot your kind

found the pedo

look how he touches her..


Closet Redditors.

The only way to know something is Reddit is to go there, friends.

>scared to type reddit


you have to go back

Is this a new meme?
I honestly cannot understand what you are talking about.


Whats the best meme on Sup Forums?

None of them.

sup reddit

Baneposting is still king

The fact that you know that proves you are a redditor.



Pretending you've been here for years because you baneposted once

Coprolalia: The excessive and uncontrollable use of foul or obscene language, including words related to feces (bowel waste).

Coprolalia is a typical symptom of Tourette syndrome, a condition that has its onset in childhood and is characterized by compulsive arm movements, facial tics, grunting, groaning and shouting. Aside from coprolalia, there is often echolalia, the involuntary parrot-like repetition (echoing) of a word or sentence just spoken by another person. Persons with Tourette syndrome do not usually curse out of anger or displeasure but out of uncontrollable compulsion. They cannot help themselves. (The disease is also called Gilles de la Tourette syndrome.)

Coprolalia can also be a symptom of schizophrenia, a severe psychiatric disorder of thought in which the sufferer loses touch with reality, withdraws from social activity and exhibits bizarre behavior.

>echolalia, the involuntary parrot-like repetition (echoing) of a word or sentence just spoken by another person

BLACKED threads
If I didn't enjoy them so much

kino. It started out good when it was coupled with the cinema, flick and movies thing but then it became just a overused word for good movies.

Shake weight isn't a meme though. It's actually pretty fucking good at building your delts and triceps.

Kino stories memes

Batman v Superman